Scan tomorrow

Tina & Gabs

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
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Hi everyone

I have my 12 week nuchal scan tomorrow and feel very mixed!

Part of me is very very excited and part of me is so so nervous!

I will post either tomorrow or Thursday and let you know how I got on.

Good luck to anyone else who has a scan coming up.

Tina xx
Good luck for tomorrow i am sure you will be fine,i have mine in a couple of weeks so i know how you feeling xx
Hi Tina, I have my scan tomorrow too! I know just how you are feeling, I am so nervous, I find it hard to really believe I'm pregnant even though I have every symton going. I got pregnant first try and can't help but think its too good to be true. I am sure we will both be fine, good luck and we will catch up afterwards!

Katt x
Thanks Guys

Oooh good luck for tomorrow as well Katt, what time is yours?
Will definitely have to catch up after!

Nikki, what date is your scan? All the best to you too!

It is a weird feeling, I have only done 2 tests and that has been it really!
I haven't been sick but have felt very sick and have also been very tired.
My stomach has also grown.........

Fingers crossed. :D
Good luck everyone for their scans. Its such a wonderful feeling but feeling nervous is all part of it I think.
I was petrified that they would tell me I was stupid & wasn't pregnant at all (I did 5 or 6 tests!!) but by judging my belly now I would say I definately am!! :lol:
Good luck with yor scans Tina and Skatty, I am REALLY nervous about mine, not until the 4th May which seems like ages away, but just hope everything is ok. Be thinking of you both.

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