Scan Today PIC ADDED


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
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I will appreciate it if you gorgeous ladies keep your fingers crossed for me :) Was sick yesterday and now my bump is looking so flat, I hope everything is ok in there, im very nervous. I will be back afternoon/evening to update you all :) :wave:
Good luck!!! hope all goes well! I'm counting down the hours to mine on Friday! :D
Oooh good luck! I've got everything crossed for you.
Ok girls im back! :D My scan went amazing, she put the jelly stuff on my belly and rubbed the thingy on it (get me im so technical :rotfl: ) and straight away said Wow! Its a bit big for 12 weeks!! I expected her to say 13 weeks or something like that and i was just so happy she could see a baby! After a few minutes she said...your around 16 weeks! :eek: She turned the screen to me and the OH and there was my baby. Head, body, arms, legs and such a fast beating heart. It was so amazing, i asked if she could tell the sex and she said it looks like a boy! :) will know for sure on the next scan. She then done all the measurements and stuff, and OMG his head looked so massive and i just kept thinking i have to give birth to that :shock: :lol: I have a picture which i will post tomorrow (dont have a scanner here so will have to do it in work) The picture could have been a bit clearer, she said my bladder was empty, but i was drinking lots :? I think baby must have been sleeping or something as he wasn't moving and had his little hand rested under his chin :lol:

Sorry if this was a bit long just very happy!! Since im 16 weeks it means its time for me to leave you gorgeous girlies :( To everyone who has scans coming up, GOOD LUCK :hug: it is such an amazing experience. Be good because aunty laurababs will be keeping an eye on you :lol: :wave:
Wow! I am so glad it went well for you, must be such a relief. You are making me all excited for mine on monday now!!! :cheer:
Wow, congratulations! Do you mind me asking about the difference between scan dates and your EDD before then. Did you know the date of your LMP? I have always wondered how the differences occur?

Aww Laurababs, that's wonderful news! I'm so happy for you! How wonderful to be magically whisked a further four weeks forward, you lucky thing.
magical and scary!! Still living with my parents at the mo :( need to get my skates on!
how exciting! Skipping forward 4 whole weeks that's brilliant!!!

EDD - Estimated Due Date
LMP - Last Menstrual Period ie date of your last Period.
Ahhh i see, my LMP was late September, bled very light for one day on my next due period (late October) so took a home pregnancy test early November, which said negative :? !! Eventually found out i was pregnant mid December having still not got a period. That is why i didn't really have an EDD but did not expect to be 16 weeks gone, especially since im not showing in the slightest :lol:
So pleased for you Laura, that's so exciting, you must be amazed! Skipping off to tri 2 like that, I don't know! Look forward to seeing you there in a few weeks (or maybe even on Thurs if similar happens to me! doubt it tho')
Thank You :D :hug: Gonna miss you lot hurry up and get your bums over to Tri 2 :lol:

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