Scan this morning....20 weeks


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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HI there.well we had our 20 week scan this morning. Heartbeat was there as strong as ever, but the baby is a little small..I am 20wk+6 and the baby measures at 19wk...We not too worried as i have not had large babies but it is smaller than i would have liked, but hey there another 20 weeks to go yet...Lets see if this pic works.... :dance: :hug:


Sorry it is big....but if it smaller you would have trouble seeing it...We also think it is another GIRL...there was no way to see properly but i could not see any dangly bits, and neither could the sonographer, so i think Girl#8 is here to say hello....Hope you are well.....
Awww!!! See, can you have a word with junior please, he doesn't stay still and I can never get a clear picture like that one!

Congrats btw xxxx

Maybe, just maybe you could be a little earlier than expected? I was always told a baby could be 2 weeks earlier than pin pointed. Dunno if that is true though?
Wow its so clear, girl #8 on the way... my my imagine the que for the bathroom in a few years hehe :lol:

Congrats hun :D x
hi there. :wave: Thanks to you all for your kind words :hug: .I wish i could be earlier than my dates but at my first scan i was exact to my times...I have many years of practice at this....This one is a lazy little mite,i feel it move but not much....I will try to find a scan picture of shaolin, and well you tell me what you think of the clearness of that one....Lets just hope baby speeds up and gets back up to speed...... :rotfl: :rotfl: :cheer:
I know you couldn't see any dangle bits.... but maybe... just maybe... it is a boy and is just being a little different.... you know boys like to pester us mummy's :think: give us stuff to worry us :doh: getting into practice for adult hood :rotfl: like you say.... 20 weeks to go and then you'll know for sure..... i bet s/he ends up being your BIGGEST baby! ...... i am sure all will be fine... your an expert now!! :wink: :clap: :hug: Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
hi Fynemum. :wave: Thanks for you words....I am pretty sure that it is a girl though, and to be honest am quite glad that it is.. :dance: .I have one boy :shock: , and i can say that one is enough.But i would have been happy with either. :wink: ....But it would have been nice for xenon to have a wee brother, but maybe next time round he he he.....Well baby is moving around fine and if she stays to her pattern then i reacon she will be born during the day....not a night time one....Any way i hope you are fine in your pregnancy and please keep me updated.... :hug: :D
Thats a great piccy. Congratulations, another girl, wow. They said my LO was a little small too, but when i spoke to the consultant about it he said the most reliable date is the earliest scan (for me it was at 8 weeks) so they will use that date. He also said not to worry as it'll catch up, my first was 8,8 and my second 8,13 so i don't mind if its smaller than that 7,7 would be lovely please!!! :cheer:
hi :wave: .Sorry for not being on for a while but the holidays are driving me crazy.....I have had babies ranging from.4lb 14 to 7lb 14 so i never truely have large babies.The little one is moving enough for two so i know all is fine......They will scna me again at 28 weeks and then every 2 weeks till they are happy that all is fine...
I also have to have my bloods checked each month as i have Antigens in my blood.K cells ,which means i make antibodies,against what i dont know but if the babies blood crossing into mine then it might mean my body rejects it, and the baby might need a transfusion, but this happened with my last one and she was healthy and happy when born full term, so i am not expecting any trouble with this one....

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