Scan in 90mins


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2007
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Ive been away most of the summer staying with my parents so havent posted for agesssss
Hope everyone is well Im trying to read thorugh the posts and make an attempt at catching up :rotfl: no chance me thinks!!!

Anyway I have dinosaur size butterflys as we have our scan at 11.40 this morning cant wait but also sooo scared We are taking our 5y/o son who is sooo excited he cant wait to find out if he has a lil sis or lil bro on the way

Wish us luck and I will update when I get back

Ooooo does anyone know if you need a full bladder for this scan?

Bye for now xxx
good luck hun hope it goes well :D are you planning on finding out the sex?
not sure on the full bladder bit i had to on mine but i know there are some who havent had to
i would be safe rather than sorry and go with a full bladder that way you can empty it if needed whereas it takes longer to fill than empty :rotfl: xxx
i wasnt told i needed a full bladder but they did offer us water as we went in so not sure if it was just because it was hot.
Good luck i hope it all goes well for you :D
Good luck, I needed a full bladder for my scan. Hope little one shows their bits for you. :rotfl:
Good luck and enjoy it. :cheer:

Hope you get to find out what team you are on.

:hug: xxx
hope your scan went well!

Looking forward to the pics! :cheer:
hope our scan went well you got any pics? did you find out the sex?

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