Scan Date


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Scan date arrived today 6th Jan, so i'll be dead on 21wks. Glad i now kicked a fuss when they where after scanning me at 23wks 4 days :dance:

8.30 in the morning, does that time exsist on a Saturday morning? Bleeding heck i'll still be asleep,i'll be like a zombie :roll:
Thats brilliant news hun! Well done for kicking up a fuss.

Oh, and in about 24 weeks time, you'll definitely know about 8.30am on a Saturday morning.... and 6am on a Monday.... and 2.30am on a Wednesday. Getting the picture???!! :rotfl:
Great news, glad they moved it forward. Are you going to find out the sex?

8:30am's a great time! At least you won't be waiting around all day!
Amanda said:
Thats brilliant news hun! Well done for kicking up a fuss.

Oh, and in about 24 weeks time, you'll definitely know about 8.30am on a Saturday morning.... and 6am on a Monday.... and 2.30am on a Wednesday. Getting the picture???!! :rotfl:

Oh boy do i remember anyway! :rotfl:

My Sam never had a full nights sleep til he was 14 months old, Booh Hoooh.

What am i doing ! :rotfl: And breastfeeding so no help there either, but i did enjoy that part of it. The sleep when baby sleeps never happens though does it, who are they trying to kid :rotfl:

Oh yes, i want to find out what i'm having, couldn't with my other 2, awkward little buggers.
great news hun, glad it got moved forward!!
ive got my 3d/4d scan on that day too!!! (at 2pm tho)
So glad that they moved it forward for you. I wish they would move my 12 week one forward - I'll be nearly 15 weeks by the time I have it!!

At least as someone else has said, you won't be waiting around - just pray that the sonographer turns up on time!

Heather x
yay :cheer:

glad they have got it sorted for you at last!!!

Something nice for after Christmas :cheer:
nice they moved it forward...nice post xmas scan

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