Scan date?


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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Hi all, hope everyone's well. Just wanted to ask ... Once you've had the first midwife appointment, how long is it before you get your scan date? my m/w appointment was on Tuesday, & she told me I'd have my scan at 11 weeks, I'm exactly 8 today.

I would've thought they would let you know asap so you can arrange for the time off. I'm not having a whinge, I'm just sooooo excited about seeing my baby!
I think I got my scan date about 2 weeks before the date it was arranged for x that was about two weeks after mw appointment x
i had to wait about 4wks for my scan date but mines a bit late you should hear soon
I think it depends on what area of the country you live in hun, I saw the midwife at 4.5wks, I am now 10.5wks and still haven't got my scan date through. I know what you mean though, good job I told my boss last week otherwise it'd be very short notice by the time I get my letter!! :eh: Also, I completely agree, when in your first trimester coz of the risks you just wana know it's ok and also wana see him/her don't you!:whistle: Hope I get my letter soon....
Hiya, I saw my midwife at 11 weeks and it was just over a week when I had my scan date through. Had the letter last Monday and had scan on the Friday.. Not much notice at all!
wow I havent even had a MW appointment yet :( she best get in touch the idiot i dont want to be waiting agess for her!
I saw my midwife at 8 weeks, she filled in all the scan paperwork then but I didn't get a letter from the hospital until 6 days before the scan (which was at 12 weeks). I think it depends on the hospital though :)
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