* Scabby Head? *


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Callums had bad cradle cap for a while

Which ive treated

But now his heads covered with little scabs

Is this normal or?
Hmm not sure. Maia's cradle cap was sort of like scabs all over her head, but not blood red scabs like when you get a cut but they were sandy coloured.

What are they like hun?
Sounds the same as Galens cradle cap. Because of his hair we had a tough time keeping it at bay.

I just pick Galen's scabs off gently. Fine to do, the only thing that happens is a bit of hair comes away also (the hair he was born with, not new growth). No bleeding or anything. I keep using the Dentinox also. Its just dead skin and won't come away without some persuasding. Picking at it is a bit ming but needs to be done.
I found that when I washed Maia's hair I would then brush it whilst still in the bath and that would encourage the scabs to come off much easier than picking cause she would never keep her head still!
Charlie:-) said:
Hmm not sure. Maia's cradle cap was sort of like scabs all over her head, but not blood red scabs like when you get a cut but they were sandy coloured.

What are they like hun?

2 are red and the others are a sandy colour
So basically i pick them off to fix it?

They look really ugly
I'd leave him with vaseline, lansinoh or grapeseed oil in his hair overnight before attempting the picking - helps soften and loosen it in my experience.
When you bath him use his hair brush to brush the scabs out the water will soften them and they will come off easily, then put olive oil on overnight and just repeat every night until its gone.

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