Saw Midwives Yesterday!


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Hi All, Know i havent really said much in here, when i first found out i was pregnant again i kept myself to myself and only went to the doctors the other week, so anyways i had my first midwife meeting yesterday and i ended up with 3 fussing over me! Dont know if thats normal?

One had just finished her training so was taking it all in, one sorted out a pack for me, booked a scan and the thrid took blood (alot of blood!) Had a genreal little chat and they where all lovely, they've roughly guessed me at 11 plus weeks due to my last Period - however i dont think i am that far gone as im hardly showing, ive got no tummy really! :oops:

So they told me to go for my scan on the 7th of October, i did said i had MC last time so seeing a consultate (sorry bad spelling) is that normal? I dont mind the scan being abit away as its still all sinking in, plus it gives me time to just chill out as im not telling the rest of my family/friends etc till my scan, plus if im correct and im not as far gone as i am i wont feel silly- you know if i went next week and they thought i was 12 and im not id feel silly you know - god look at me rambling!

So i know my ticker says im 12 weeks plus but id like to hang in here till my first scan when i get a date you know :D

Today i had an awful day, went faint/dizzy in the shower and was sick, so been in bed all day and not sure weather to face work tomorrow or not?
hiya hun i wanted to send you a great big hug :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: good luck at your scan next month, the disy thing is probaly becasue your blood pressure is low atm qwhich is rather common in pregnant women :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for the hugs, i have taken the morning off work - didnt see the point going in for 4 hours when i still feel pretty rough and slightly Dizzy - never thought it could be because of my blood pressure, is this common then?
CharlieOne said:
Thanks for the hugs, i have taken the morning off work - didnt see the point going in for 4 hours when i still feel pretty rough and slightly Dizzy - never thought it could be because of my blood pressure, is this common then?
Yep, i have low blood pressure whilst pregant, and thats why alot pf women faint etc while pregnant
Hi & congrats!

Still feel like am coming to terms with all this myself so understand your need to take time. Are you keeping up your sugar levels (re. dizziness)? Anna's totally right :)
Take it easy and make sure your getting all the nutrients you need coz the little ones like to suck everything out of you leaving nothing left for you!!! Think if the mw's were numbered just down to training just enjoy the attention!
Good luck with pregnancy and chat again soon x

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