Saw A Medium Tonight...


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Hey girls,

I went to see a medium tonight and I'm not full convinced despite her saying a few things that she couldn't possibly have known - all because she said I was carrying a boy and I'm adament it's a girl! Here is what she said:


"I see a baby, are you 4 months pregnant?"
(I was wearing a really baggy jumper and she didn't know I was pregnant beforehand)

"Have you changed your hair? Your nan here in the spirit world loves it"
(I dyed it before going to her!)

"Do you bite your nails? Your nan is telling you off"
(I had my jumper sleeves over my hands the whole time!)

"I have a family ginger cat here in the spirit world"
(That was Harry I guess who died when I was 14 but had him since I was born)

"Do you have your nose pierced?"
(I wasn't wearing a stud and we were sitting quite a distance from each other)

"You are wondering whether or not you should go back to your job after your maternity leave. It's not a nice place to be and I can tell you now, you will not return"

"Your mother will be your birthing partner because the baby's father is not around? I also see him leaving you over a dispute about whether or not the baby is actually his"
(I'm not sure this is the reaosn he isn't around, even though 100% he IS the dad, and my mum will be my birthing partner)

"Someone close to you has bought a new vehicle and your mum isn't happy about it at all!"
(My brother has just bought a moped which my mum's hates and worries about him).

"You have problems with your uterus and have felt flutters early because of it"


"It's a boy"
"You won't make it full term, baby will arrive early August" (Approx 4 weeks early apparently)
"You will go back to education at some point in the near future"


There was loads more but I can't remember!! I have it on tape though :)

(MissSara, how did yours go?)

What do you all think... Honestly? xx
:shock: there seems to be a lot of it that is true and quite specific. I've never been to one before but when I hear stories or see stuff on TV i think it's fab when they say things they couldn't possibly have known and it's something quite specific to that person (not something they could've guessed at and it would apply to lots of people)

Were you :shock: at how true it sounded?
I can't remember-are you going to find out if you are having a boy or a girl?
Wow, she sounds good :)

I saw a medium after my dad died which helped a lot. I must admit I do believe and find it all really interesting
I do believe in this stuff to a certain extent, but I would never go and see one, purely for the fact I think it would freak me out if they were too accurate! Plus I'd be scared of finding out something I didn't want to know if that makes sense? It does sound like she was pretty spot on with you though, and nothing too scary which is cool. I just don't like the idea of knowing stuff from the future - or possible future, if you like. I'd rather just find things out for myself, as impatient as I am! x
I would LOVE to go see one!!!!

Im guessing some would be a load of crap though

Yours sounds really good :)
:shock: Wow, its amazing when they can know stuff and not guess but I'm the same as Lisa and won't go in case I hear something i don't want to hear. My dh has an aunt who is psychic- we're never allowed to talk about her cos she always calls (lives in oz so time zone is always out and ends up waking her up!). I'm a bit scared of her too cos she knew about me when we 1st started going out and he hadn't told anyone in his family and then she told him not to marry me young as i'd break his heart. :think:
It's difficult as i'd be more inclined to believe her when she says its a boy but then i guess they can't always be 100% accurate?!
It sounds like she did say alot of things that were true, but i hate it when they also say things and you look at them thinking " you just made that up"

Might be a little boy after all Danni, well she has a 50/50 chance of being right.

I'm not seeing one just yet i'm waiting till after we have found out the sex as i want to ask her what it is she thinks im, i love to see if they really can tell or just make it up.
Hmmm :think: I'm such a logical thinker though so for everything she said I tried to think of answers as to how she would guess that...

...Pregnant, I could have just sat "pregnantly" or something lol she might have noticed the stretchy pockets making it clear they are maternity trousers, it's obvious I'm not near my due date etc

The hair dye thing, she said "have you dyed your hair recently?" How recent is recently?! I'm a girl, and people usually get their hair cut every 6 weeks so that could be recently!

Who REALLY wants to go back to work huh?! lol It's rare you'll find someone who absolutely loves their job...

Argh I don't know :roll:

I was all hooked until she said boy... I'm a little worried how strong my feelings are about it being a girl... They are overwhelming!

I don't even PREFER a girl and yet I have really strong feelings that it is! In all honesty, if she had said "you are carrying a girl" I might be writing a whole different story here!!

Crazy stuff ! xx
Yeah i know exactly what your saying if i saw one and she said "its a girl" i would be over the moon but i am also 99.9% that this lil one is a boy.

Thats why i think waiting until i know would be ok, isn't it strange how after you have seen them you question everything they have told you and make up a reason how she could have known it, or the signs you gave off to show her........
MissSara said:
Yeah i know exactly what your saying if i saw one and she said "its a girl" i would be over the moon but i am also 99.9% that this lil one is a boy.

Thats why i think waiting until i know would be ok, isn't it strange how after you have seen them you question everything they have told you and make up a reason how she could have known it, or the signs you gave off to show her........

Yeah lol - I hope I'm a bit more trusting when the sonographer says "congratulations on your boy!" If it is a boy, it'll be playing with dolls and wearing pretty pink! x
dannii87 said:
"congratulations on your boy!" If it is a boy, it'll be playing with dolls and wearing pretty pink! x

I have already told Lee the same, my lil boy will be coming home from the hospital in a little
That's funny - I always thought you were having a boy Dannii :think:
Only you will know if it felt 'true' or not I think dannii, but it does sound quite factual, some reports are very vague and they make you think its just 'luck' not mediumship. And all boys love dressing up and role playing and so pink dresses and dolls will be fine even with a little boy :wink:

I saw a palmist about 7yrs ago and she predicted my meeting my OH, she also painted a picture of me which was 110% spot on. Everything she said to me was true. I've never had a personal reading from a medium, I would like to, but I've had history of observing charlatons and I'm waiting for that personal recommendation of one near me :D

I believe in that stuff but I do think that some mediums can be rubbish....

If you get a good medium its really good.


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