Sorry I haven't posted for a long time. After the scan just over a week ago we had some news about our daughter I don't feel I can explain. We had a re-scan Thursday just gone and things have come to a point where now we need to go to London to see the top specialists in the feild in 2 days time.
I finally got out of hospital last night after lots of begging and promising to go back if anything changed. I was threatening labour again which is why I was taken in last Monday. Being away from Damien and Mark was just killing me, and I'm only half hour away should anything change. I've changed hospitals which I will deliver at also so that we are in a hospital with a better NICU and SCBU.
26+2 today which is great but cervix is thinning out alot and am on hormones to try and sustain the pregnancy as long as possible. It's a big battle at the moment, and one I never plan to take on again!!
I had asked the girls who I was texting to not say what's going on, not because I'm being funny, It's just something I would rather keep private between my close friends and those who understand what is going on. Sorry they didn't explain alot, but that's why. Please can I ask that you don't ask them what's going on, it will only put them in a difficult position. Please feel free to PM me though. I'm not sure how long I will be out of hospital for though so if I don't reply, you know why. The hospital internet is slow and very expensive!
Thank you for posting and asking after me, it is nice to know I am thought of
I hope everyone is well, LO's and bumps too, and those TTC have much luck soon. Take care xx