Saliva tets - Hormone Profile.

Gizzy Kelly

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2011
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Morning girls

I have been to see a Nurtitionist about fertility recently. She advised me to do a course of saliva tests over the period of one whole day (from 6.00am until 3.00am the following morning) and then over the course of one cycle. So basically at various day over my cycle so I collected saliva at the same time every day. She e-mailed me the results today and they showed the following:

Luteal Progesterone Surge occured on Day : 16
Length of luteal Phase in Days : 14
Oestradiol Pre Ovulatory Peak Day : 11
Oestradiol Peak to Luteal Surge :

Under Oestradiol interpretation Guildines it said 'A pre ovulatory peak was detected, suggesting ovulation in this cycle. Overall oestradiol production is reduced. LOW OESTROGEN LEVELS: Associated with stress, depression, headaches, and osteoporosis. Suspect Ovarian insufficiency.

Under Progesterone interpretation guidliens is said 'Poor Surge.
Surge below normal for at least 3 of the 6 days immediately following ovulation, but subsequently rose to within normal levels.LOW PROGESTERONE LEVELS: Research has demonstrated a correlation between low progesterone levels and infertility. Delayed or insufficient progesterone production and or insufficient progesterone surge in the luteal phase reduces the chance of pregnancy. Suspect: Luteal insufficiency, Adrenal insufficiency.

The Testosterone levels were normal.

At the bottom of my results it said. 'Infertility occurs in about 10% of the population. The probability of anovulation or luteal phase defect causing infertility is 20-40% and 3-10%, respectively. Functional infertility occurs as a result of several conditions. Excessive oestrogen and progesterone levels inhibit FSH and LH, impairing ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum, this may then degenerate and become refractory to LH. Finally, if the corpus luteum falters in its production of progesterone (luteal defect), the endometrium deteriorates and is incapable of supporting the implanted embryo. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), has been associated with progesterone deficiency, increased oestrogen,or oestrogen/progesterone imbalances'.

So do I take it from this that i have a low progesterone level which is causing a LP defect? I though that anything past 10 days was okay?

Sorry this is a long thread girls but wondered how I interpret these reults and most importantly what I can do to resolve the issue.

At the bottom is gave me list of herbs and vitimans to take like Agnus Castus. I got back to see her on Saturday btu I am a bit worried about what these reults mean and I know you ladies know a lot more than most specialists!


Gizzy xxx
r Oestradiol Interpretation Guideli

I can't make out from that but what list of herbs did she give you?

Normal list is;
Angus Castus
Royal jelly
Bee pollen
vitB complex
Baby aspirin
Dong Quai ( don't take this if your taking baby aspirin it will thin your blood too much)
Pregnecare vitamins, there was an article recently can help fertility but not enough research shown

If anything past 10 is ok you should be ok, call her to double check?xx
Thanks Sunbeam, the list was:

Agnus Castus,
Korean gingseng
Dong Quai
Black cohosh
Red clover tops; Soy;
Fenugreek Seeds

I already take 2000 mg of EPO, Vit B and C and a zinc supplement. I only started these last month.

I sont know whether she will recommend all of the list, but I don't want to take too much.

Yep I did 4 months of accupunture.

I just wondered whether there is anything you can take to increase progesterone levels??

I am going back on saturday, so will ask loads then but I have seen some of the girls on here before we low progesterone before and wondered what they do.

Love Gizz xxxx
Right, ive double checked on raising progesterone levels naturally and it says to avoid blue cohosh, vitex, saw palmetto berry, lavender, tea tree oil, licorice, hops, rhodiola rose root, black cohosh, dong quai, red clover blossom and motherwort leaf as they all increase levels of estrogen further lowering progesterone.

Ah thanks :)

To raise it naturally Zinc, magnesium and vitamins such as Vitamin B-6 and Vitamin C, are generally found to be lower in women who have low progesterone. Getting more of these vitamins in your diet and vitamin intake can help boost your levels.

It's worth making some kind of table of what to take and not to. Good luck with the nutrishonist go armed with questions!xxxx
Hey Hun

Dont know much about the whole saliva thing, but you can introduce certain foods in to your diet which can help increase your progesterone naturally:

Eating more of foods that boost progesterone levels in the body can go a long way toward increasing progesterone levels. Foods such as walnuts, cherries, chicken, red meat, wild yams, soy milk, whole grains and herbs such as turmeric, oregano and thyme are all good progesterone boosters.

Walnuts, whole grains, fortified cereals, and soy milk all contain large amounts of vitamin B-6, which may be essential for maintaining ideal estrogen-progesterone balance.

Turmeric, found in curry, can increase the body's progesterone levels, as can thyme and oregano. Including one of these in every meal may help to maintain good hormone balance.

Good luck today at your scan, let us know how you get on xxxxxx

Thanks hon

I started Vit B & C and Zinc last month which is good to know.
I have loads of questions and will totally research my results before i go.

Thanks for your help and good luck with your little bean.

Gizzy xxx
Goodness that is really interesting!!
how much do these saliva tests cost?
I take it they give a much more detail of hormones than blood tests?
Im sure mine is a hormone problem.
So will be really interesting to know. xx
Hi hon it cost £240. They are relatively new but they do say that saliva is a much better indicator than blood. I am convinced mine is a hormonal issue. I spoke to our clinic tonight and he did not dismiss them . He said that I may want to try progesterone supositories in the second half of my cycle. If you want the details of my tests I can send them to you???
yes that would be good, thanks hun.
I will prob wait until after my follow up appt on 5th March - to see what has come up in all my results.
But may look into that after if need be, Quite pricey isnt it?
But all worth it if it gives you what you need. xx
Its really expensive hon, I think I have just about exhausted every 'other' fertility treatment going! I will pm you the details xx good luck at your referral hon xxxxx

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