Sad news - updated


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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You remember I mentioned my Nanna had a fall last week, well today we were told sheonly has 24 hours to live, I am so upset, have been crying on and off when I think about it, she has a chest infection now and was told today that she will drown in her own fluids, I can't believe they said that, we don't need to know and even worse Nanna heard! She is sleeping a lot at the moment and isn't able to talk anymore.

My Nanna has always been a huge part of my life, she always rang when I was in Scotland and always said that I was the only one that ever understood her. I don't know whether this is true but I always had a lot of patience with her and made her feel as if everything she was feeling was important. I am going to miss her so much but she has no quality of life now that it is almost cruel that she is ending her life unhappy.

Sorry to depress anyone, just wanted to spill!

Nice memory of Nanna - she always called me Manda and she had been out to aposh hotel and had a baguette (new to her!) and said "Ooh Manda I had one of those lovely bagwets!" :rotfl: brilliant! We all call them bagwets now aswell!!
i am so sorry hun :hug: :hug:
i cant believe they said that to let alone for her to hear it that is dreadful
so sorry :hug: that's a horrible thing to say
I know, the nurses wouldn't even change her bandages as they said there was no point! :twisted:
o god the nurses should have more respect than to say things like that :x

so sorry hun :hug: x x
how awful im sorry they said something so cruel
missac said:
I know, the nurses wouldn't even change her bandages as they said there was no point! :twisted:

That's absolutely disgusting. Your Nan is still entitled to her comfort and dignity. :hug:
libs said:
missac said:
I know, the nurses wouldn't even change her bandages as they said there was no point! :twisted:

That's absolutely disgusting. Your Nan is still entitled to her comfort and dignity. :hug:

couldn't have put it better myself!

Thank you all for your kind words x :hug:
I am so sorry Missac. I hope she does get the dignity she deserves from the nurses and that she passess peacefully. What sad news. I am thinking of you. :hug:
Hiya :wave: im so sorry to hear your sad news, i lost my gran 2 days b4 i gave birth its a horrible time, my baby pulled me through it without him i would of been a mess! :hug:
xjdx said:
Hiya :wave: im so sorry to hear your sad news, i lost my gran 2 days b4 i gave birth its a horrible time, my baby pulled me through it without him i would of been a mess! :hug:

I know, I love being able to cuddle Thomas it takes some of the pain away. We have been lucky that Thomas got to have some cuddles with her, and everytime I spoke about him or she saw him, even if she was in pain and miserable her face always lit up!
Oh no hun, can't believe it, and to say such a thing where your nanna could for not changing her bandage that is awful, she should be allowed to live with dignity regardless of whether the nurses feel there is 'a point!'.

That doesn't take away the pain you are feeling, have pm'd you but wanted to leave my best wishes here for you too babe :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im sorry to hear about that hunni
hope you are ok
oh hun im really sorry to hear that, im thinking of you and hope you are ok, here anytime you want to talk :( :hug: :hug:

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