Running with pram?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
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I have an iCandy Apple and a Quinny Buzz. Can I go running with either of these? I think I remember reading you should have a single, lockable front wheel. Anyone know?

Would be road running.

Thanks! :)
i think you can go running with the icandy, i'm sure i've hear that somewhere!
Hmmmm i know the best ones are the 3 wheeled ones but i'm not sure about the 2 you have. I only run if my life depends on it :rofl: so i'm no good really. I bet your really looking forward to your training! xx
I am! Very excited. I am running every night, but I don't feel like I'm making a huge dent in my fitness yet, which is a shame. I think I need to do what someone suggested on here and join a running club. I actually have to go away this weekend for some training *gulp*

My Quinny is a three wheeler, and my apple converts into a 3 wheeler. I have to have a look online and see if they are both lockable.
I think you can run with them but you should make sure that the pram is tied by the handle to something around your waist preferably, just in case you trip on a hill or something and the pram doesn't go gliding off on its own.
Would you like my jogger wheel on a long term loan to see what you think?
Do I need a separate wheel Lisa? I wasn't sure how it worked.
Yep, have four wheels and apparently turns into a 3 wheeler but will have to get the instructions out. Do you know if the wheels lock at all?
It does and I know exactly how to do it as I've just done it in reverse to change from the jogger to a 4 wheel Pear!

The wheel can be fixed or moveable. You need the wheel and nose plate and an allen key and it takes about 5 mins max. I can lend you them if you want to try before you buy!
Thanks hun, that would be great. I'll have a play with it tonight and drop you a PM tomorrow :)
First thought on the title of this thread "not a bloomy chance" :lol:

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