Rubie's Christening


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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Hi all. Sorry it's taken so long to post pics but I didn't get in til 1am and I've had 4 hours sleep and have been throwing up since 5am so to say I'm a little hungover is an understatement. But it's self inflicted, I know!!

Anyway, back to the point, Rubie's christening yesterday went brilliantly! :D She was 100% perfectly behaved all day. She didn't cry in church, and she had everyone in stitches because she was craning her neck to stare right at the vicar while she was reading to her, like she was really listening to her. I was nearly in tears laughing. :lol:

She was christening in a family gown that me, my brother and all my cousins were christened in. It was made for my cousin who is 40!! It's a little old fashioned but I think she looked beautiful in it.

It was the proudest day of my life, I love my little girl so much. Here's some pics.







I made (decorated) the cake myself :D

Beautiful pictures Kim, Jack will be so proud!!

I don't think the dress is old fashioned!
aww great pix :D the dress is lovely, not old fashioned!! the cake looks yummy 2 :D :D

glad you had a good day & night :D

hayley xx
Lovely pictures Kim :lol:

The cake looks yummy :wink:

I love proper christening gowns. She looked beautiful in it :lol:
the pictures look really good it looks like you had a really good day, and the cake looks yummy!!!
great pics!

she looked such a sweetheart in that dress :)

hun she is absolutly gorgous and i love the dress if B was a girl he would have hadd my dads which was over 48 yrs ld lol i think his uncle could have had it to will have to check lol!
and u deserve a hangover for doing that cake u just had to beat mine didnt ya lol
Kim, she is beautiful, you couldn't ask for a nicer dress! Becky has those shoes too, those out of Next? You look good to, like your top.x

glad she did good for you she look sso adorable.
You look really nice and good job on teh cake!
Awww Kim, she looks fantastic!
Glad you had a great day, the cake looks yummy he he
Congratulations Kim and Rubie, you both looked fantastic, I love your hair Kim. And the gown wasn't in the least old fashioned. The cake looks fantastic, you're a talented lady!
Aw Rubioe loked beautiful. I love the idea that the gown is a tradition. Sadly our shawl got lost years ago but my MIL has knitted another one for Seren's naming ceremony.
Thanks everyone for all your lovely comments. :) :) :)

Yeah K X the shoes were from next, I dashed there on Saturday night in a panic when I remembered I had forgotten to buy her any lol :lol:

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