I'm just wondering if anyone else has such trouble with the job centre?
I'm so cross with them I could just scream. I finished a temporary job 10 weeks ago and had to move back to my home town to be with my family because of health complications with my pregnancy. I hoped because it was quite early in the pregnancy at the time I would pick up a job soon but it didn't happen and 8 weeks ago I applied for job seekers allowance just as a plan B type thing. Well its been 8 weeks and they still haven't processed my claim.
Its murder trying to get through to them on the phone because when they do answer most times they can't even put me in the queue because there are too many people already in it. Its not as even if I want the whole hog of council tax benefits or housing either because im being put up by a family member. But im so desperate because at the end of the month I have a million bills to pay and I just feel sick with worry over it all.
They said my claim is now at the top of the pile and I have to wait for the decision maker to make a decision. I have been to loads of job interviews but I have been told face to face at some of them that they will not take me on because I will want to take some time off after the Birth! I can understand this but what happened to equal opportunities.
I'm just now worried that when I apply for maternity allowance I'm going to have to go through the whole thing again. Sorry for the moan but I was getting well cross and feel better again. Now I think I will have a cup of tea and bacon sandwich. Yum.
I'm so cross with them I could just scream. I finished a temporary job 10 weeks ago and had to move back to my home town to be with my family because of health complications with my pregnancy. I hoped because it was quite early in the pregnancy at the time I would pick up a job soon but it didn't happen and 8 weeks ago I applied for job seekers allowance just as a plan B type thing. Well its been 8 weeks and they still haven't processed my claim.
Its murder trying to get through to them on the phone because when they do answer most times they can't even put me in the queue because there are too many people already in it. Its not as even if I want the whole hog of council tax benefits or housing either because im being put up by a family member. But im so desperate because at the end of the month I have a million bills to pay and I just feel sick with worry over it all.
They said my claim is now at the top of the pile and I have to wait for the decision maker to make a decision. I have been to loads of job interviews but I have been told face to face at some of them that they will not take me on because I will want to take some time off after the Birth! I can understand this but what happened to equal opportunities.
I'm just now worried that when I apply for maternity allowance I'm going to have to go through the whole thing again. Sorry for the moan but I was getting well cross and feel better again. Now I think I will have a cup of tea and bacon sandwich. Yum.