

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2007
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I hope this is a good place for this- anyway, my husband and I are taking on a roommate. I'm not thrilled about it, but I am a stay at home mom and I want my poor husband to have some help with rent. The guy is a friend of ours, so that part will be nice. Our LO is six months...have any of you had experience having a roommate and LO? Any advice on how to set good boundaries, keep things/groceries/money more organized so the house doesn't feel packed and stressful?
I've no experience but wanted to say very best wishes, I hope it all goes well for everyone :hug:

I would probably write up some sort of house rules before he moves in, and come to some agreement of tenancy length pending review, so if it isn't working out, you have agreed to him moving out by a certain date etc don't know if you'd need a legal document for all that, but if its a trusted friend I'm sure you'll be fine no matter :hug:
Definately put something in writting, even if it is only between the 3 of you, it makes sure you all know where you stand and then you will be comfortable when telling him if he's overstepped the mark.

Consider questions like -
can he bring people back to the house? friends, long term girlfriend, sucsession of 1 night stands.

Housework rules - are you all going to just wash up your own stuff? will you take it in turns to cook meals for each other? Will you cook for your family and the roomie sort himself out?
whos going to clean communal areas like bathrooms, and how often?

Are you going to have communal food ect. where you all put money in a housekeeping pot or are you going to give him a cupboard in the kitchen and a shelf in the fridge?

Are you comfortable with him wandering around in a towel out of the bath or would you rather he dressed before he left the room?

Do you want him to treat the place like a home where he is as comfortable as you guys or do you want to remember that this is your house and he is just staying in it?

Do you need to set a limit on the noise if he is into his music?

There is a lot to sort out, but it can work really well, well, sharing a house can, I've not done it with a LO at the same time though. The important thing is to really know where everyone stands.
Thanks girls.
Things are really not going well. It has nothing to do with roommate, he's pretty respectful, but my LO is freaking out. She seems to like roommate and everything, smiles at him during the day and lets him pick her up (something she usually never would). But I guess it has stressed her out because nighttime has been hell lately. She usually goes to sleep in her crib at 7, fusses for maybe 10 mins tops, and then either sleeps through the night or wakes up for a feeding once and then wakes at 7:30. The last few nights she has cried and cried in her crib, I keep popping in and comforting her but it doesn't help too much-she seems wide awake even when I know she is really tired. She also wakes up many times during the night.
I am just assuming this is because of the roommate (either that or the timing is just funny).
I am very worried about her, my LO has not been herself at all lately, and my husband and I are very stressed. I feel bad because last night when she got into our bed and wouldn't sleep I was really short tempered.
I am feeling guilty and like I have lost my footing. I want to change things back to how we used to have them at home, just our family.
Quick note (My girl is playing in her bouncer and I have just a moment).
It didn't have to do with roomie! My OH figured it out (this is going to make me sound like an idiot :roll:) but it has been about 100 degrees out and even though I took as many steps as I possibly could to keep her cool, my baby must have been suffering! Because the first few nights with roomie here she didn't care at all, and it has only been the last two nights...the ones that were really hot! I put on a cool washcloth on her last night and the only time she seemed happy was when she was sucking on it, so we thought teething, but obviously she must have been dehydrated despite my best efforts.
Sometimes the most obvious things don't come to you when a screaming baby has you all in a tither. :doh:

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