Room temperature v's BBT

tots hope

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Just wondered out of interest if the room temperature affects your BBT?

I live in a large block of flats and unfortunately have no control over the tempterature due to heat rising (14th floor but amazing costal views!) :D . I am also unable to open the windows on occassions due to the wind (sea breeze - yeah right more like sea gales!) . We recently had some bad storms and i think all the old people put their heating up and i noticed on these mornings that my temperatures were slightly higher than normal.

Can anyone shed some light on this? :think:
I would think it would have some impact but not a major change.
It sounds plausable that the rise in temp in your flat would have an effect.
Im not sure, when I wake up to do my BBT the bedroom is freezing, especially the last couple of months, until the heating kicks in (the boiler is right next to bedroom and the noise irritates me so I set it to come on once we're awake lol) and I do wake up cold but it never seems to effect my BBT. I think that aslong as you dont move too much (apart from grabbing thermometer) or speak, and take it as soon as you wake up it shouldnt effect it?

I could be wrong, thats just the observations ive made, good luck with it and keep us posted :D :hug:
Hi, I started charting last August and my temps were much higher then, around half a degree more than now. In fact my temps look like I'm bordering hypothermia at the mo, but I love my bedroom to be cold! So although my temps are lower than the summer months the overall picture hasn't changed and the pattern on my charts looks the same, with a definate bi-phasic shift. I'm looking forward to thawing out!
Thanks for that i wasn't sure if it was a stupid question or not but thatnks for your answers - its ot quite as wild as last month so im not worrie dto much just a bit curious!
Am not sure, i dont temp as I think its very unreliable.... but I would think that if your room temperature was up it would change your BBT results likewise if you house was freezing?
u can tell when ive been staying away in a stuff hotel room , my temp was sky high , got me excited a couple of times :wall:

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