Riven has lost more weight....


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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Pretty much as it says, when born he was 7lb 4, then he dropped to 6lb 13 but he had issues feeding, he was weighed okay on his 5 day check and he has lost again he is now 6lb 11.

it's left me a bit deflated because we have been trying so hard with our 3 hourly feeds and giving him as much as possible, they have dropped us to 2 1/2 hours now....

Sorry for the useless post just feel a bit hormonal and deflated :(
Try not to worry. My only question is why was he only eating every three hours? My lo was eating almost constantly at that point.... She still lost twelve ounces in the first five days though. Hope things get better! Some babies just take a little longer to start gaining. Xx
Sorry to hear you're feeling deflated :( its very early days! Its so common for babies to do that so don't worry. I'm surprised you were told 3 hourly? Are you bf or ff? They shouldn't give u a time frame for bf, and I was told 2 hours when I moved onto ff but max was eating every hour and a half and that was fine. Demand feeding is the best way really xxxxx
When Tyler was born I didn't move off the sofa for 6 weeks!!

Feed baby as much as you need to :)

Feed on demand, rest loads of fluids for you and make sure you eat. Keep on the same breast to get to the fatty hind milk xxx

Sorry should have put mor background in.

When riven was born he had problems sucking, so we spent two days in hospital establishing a plan, we still tried bf but as he wasn't sucking I was expressing every two hours at that point by hand with support.

When we left hospital our feeding plan was to feed for definite every 3 hours with a syringe, trying on the boob first, whereby we put our little finger in his mouth at the same time as the syringe and push the plunger when he sucks an stop when he doesn't therefore rewarding him for sucking, and in the meantime if he cried for more milk in between the 3 hours to go for on the breast exclusively which rarely happened because riven was asleep.

He is soooo much better at sucking now and we have had some excellent feeds but he still falls asleep whilst doing it and I can't wake him up no matter what I try so I have to take him off.

This what we have been doing and had been doing ok or so I thought until today... when we were told he had lost weight.

Like I say just felt a bit deflated, doesn't help the flow in my right boob has dropped too quite drastically, I just feel I am doing so much wrong already...
Your doing amazingly well! The best you can do is carry on as much as possible. Are you pumping to keep your supply up?

Alyssa was similar hun, boob was like a sedative for her and she slept for 4 hours between feeds, then it went to 5 hrs and then i gave her formula top ups cos i didnt know what else to do and so we have combi fed ever since. go with what they have told you to do i guess, i never had much advice or help so i cant suggest a lot, i found the only thing that woke her up in the end was stripping her off but even then she fell asleep after 10 mins on boob. i hope he starts gaining soon
You're doing amazingly well to do all of that. Agree with above, do what you can xx
Can I jist say that I dony have much advice per se but having read your post I wanna say you should be so proud.of yourself for all the hard work you have put in! Oh my goodness thats brilliant sweetie......!

As far aa advice goes can only reflect whats been said but be very proud of yourself xx
Is the midwife worried? If not you shouldn't be! All babies lose weight after they're born, especially bf babies. Don't get stressed out about it (I know that's easily said) it could affect your supply. I would also feed on demand (and am) and have the sore bleeding boobs to show for it!
I guess of the mw's are concerned they may suggest topping up- see how you feel about it, but ask if you should be worried. If they say no, then try not to. Don't beat yourself up, you're doing amazingly well with the challenges set!! Xx
Ralph birth weight was 9lb 1.5oz..he was weighed at 5 day check and he went down to 8lb 11oz and his last check which was on Tuesday he only put an ounce on. midwife told me if his not back to his birth weight within 15 dats then they I'll have to look at feeding etc .His getting weighed today so I hope his put on a little more he certantly looks like he has as his getting 3 double chins lol
Hun don't feel deflated your doing amazing. Contact your local bf group or if you want advice now the nct have a bf helpline (number is on their website) they may be able to offer some advice even if its about keeping your supply going x x
The midwife doesn't seem too worried as its still within the 10% he is allowed to lose before they get concerned, it's just I'm getting concerned before hand.

We did top up with formula in hospital so I'm not against it, and I'll do it again if we need to.

Thanks ladies as ever your great x x x
Just remember if you do top up, pump pump pump to keep your supply :) I'm sure everything will work out ok!

Ah hun, try not to feel deflated. Abigail lost 9oz from birth last sat and comin home on tues due to my feeding problems. Now I am on medication and can't give her my expressed milk which makes me feel utter crap! I didn't think we were getting anywhere but she was weighed yday and has managed to put 2oz back on. Guess what I'm tryin to say is stick with it - it will be worth it in the end. Big hug xx
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The midwife doesn't seem too worried as its still within the 10% he is allowed to lose before they get concerned, it's just I'm getting concerned before hand.

We did top up with formula in hospital so I'm not against it, and I'll do it again if we need to.

Thanks ladies as ever your great x x x

That's good news, try not to beat yourself up, you're doing everything you can for him xx

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