* Riley David 03/08/08 *


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
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Well I thought I'd write down my birth story, as I know it helped me to read other people's experiences when I was pregnant.

It all started on the Friday 1st Aug, I lost my plug in several big blobs :puke: but I was SO glad, as I thought things might be happening!! Being overdue was just the worst feeling, I so badly wanted to meet my LO but felt like it was never gonna happen. :( The next day (saturday) I woke up at about 9ish and when I wiped there was bright red blood :shock: I was so scared, I thought something bad was happening. Yelled to OH and we couldnt decide if it was a "show" or not so called the hosp. They said it sounded like a show, and that they would send out the MW just to check everything.

Well after a hours, MW turned up. She checked all the usual things, and said she could feel slight contractions when feeling my tummy :cheer: but that it could still be days. I was booked in for a sweep on the monday and PRAYING he would come before that!! :pray:

I felt fine after all this, and had no more bleeding. We went to Tesco in the afternoon to get food for a BBQ at my mum's......and from late afternoon onwards I was getting sore crampy pains. Thought nothing of it though, as I'd had them on & off for weeks! :lol: We went round to mum's and had the BBQ, and all the time I felt the pains were getting worse. OH did keep on saying "I BET YOU'RE IN LABOUR" and I kept telling myself I wasn't because my waters hadn't broken (denial lol :rotfl: ) I started writing down the timings of the "pains" while we were all BBQing, just in case 8) . I wrote them down from about 6pm - 8pm and they were constantly about 4 or 5 mins apart. Phoned the hosp again from mum's and they said it could be labour, and to go in if they got a lot sorer, and to get checked out.

We came home, sat for a bit and I was getting concerned for LO, so we hopped in the car and went to the hosp 20mins away. Got there, and they examined me. Turns out I was in very early labour, only 1cm dilated :( . MW gave me a sweep to try and move things along. If I wanted to stay in for the early labour (which could have taken hours) they said I'd have to go to the ward and OH couldnt stay with me :cry: so I decided to go home, wait it out and go back when I needed pain relief. We came home and timed contractions for a few hours, they were getting so bad and at about 4am Sunday morn I wanted to go back to hosp. Turns out I had made it to 6cm at home with no pain relief!! :cheer:

That's when the fun started lol :lol: . I started on the g&a, and it was helping for these contractions. As the pain got worse and worse, I went for the Diamorphone jab in my bum 8) and MY GOODNESS it was amazing! I felt soooo much better and could breathe through it easier. Only thing is, it really tired me out. :sleep: After that jab wore off, I begged for another one lol! The contractions were getting further apart and stopping because of the diamorphine, so they decided to put me on a drip to bring on contractions. I asked for an epidural too, as the pain was becoming really bad. So I had the drip put in, and after what seemed like an eternity of pain the aneasthatist showed up! :cheer: It was really weird being "numbed" but I could still feel the pain and was determined to get this little man out!!

After I had been pushing for nearly 3 hours, the MWs were discussing what to do, as I wasnt making much progress :( . At this point things are a wee bit hazy :| . Next thing I know, the doctor came in and I'm told they are going to have to "help the baby out" They then had to use the ventouse to pull baby out, ashe just wouldnt come any further down :( . I also had to be cut twice. It was the STRANGEST feeling when they pulled him out, but I was SO glad! :cheer: They then gave me the jab to help placenta out, and I had to have it twice - must have been stubborn :lol: !

All I remember next is lying there while they pulled the placenta out, and being stitched up. I lost a litre of blood, and I was really panicky, thinking the worst. They gave me LO to hold, but I was so bloomin shaky I had a teeny wee hold then passed him to OH cos I was scared I'd drop him!! After all that was done and I was cleaned up, we got moved down to my room and the grannies got to see us for a wee min. We were let out of hosp on the wednesday as he was a little bit jaundiced, and now we are home and a wee family at last!! :cheer:

Here are a couple of pics of my wee man Riley........



-edited to add-
Riley was born at 18.09pm, he weighed 8lb1oz! :cheer:
Aww he's gorgeous!!


Oooh so you were in labour and didn't even know lol! Even though it was a bit of a palava with getting him out (& then the placenta!) I'm glad you didn't have to wait much longer for your little guy.

I love his name too :D xx
Congratulations and welcome to little Riley :D

Alex xxx
Congratulations hun and welcome to the world Riley.
He's beautiful xxx
Many congratulations.... he is a very beautiful baby indeed

:hug: :hug:
Congratulations Claire! :cheer: What a gorgeous wee man you have there!

All the best,

Sarah x
Congratulations on your little man. Hope your all settling into family life well.

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