right ladies i just felt something help!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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i'm 16 weeks and 4 days pregnant....and i have just felt the weirdest feelings! it's not butterflies because i've had them previously.. but this felt like more like a jabbing- no pain just jabbing in the same place for a couple of sec... on my right side near my hip- quit low down .i've had not had this before so

i was just wondering if it was my baby? :think:

It could easily be if your baby's moved it's possible you can feel the kicks more easily now - also baby's kicks will be getting stronger all the time.

My baby usually kicks five or six times in the same place before it goes off again - it definitely feels like light jabbing.

It could be! Are you quite slim cos if you are it'll be easier to feel! :D
x-kirsty-x said:
It could be! Are you quite slim cos if you are it'll be easier to feel! :D

i'am quite slim.. size 12 i was but now 14..

and before i went to bed i felt butterfiels and again this morning :D

just what i needed. :D

Ahhh congrats, its lovely isnt it, makes things seem more real! :D
neeko_1 said:
i'm 16 weeks and 4 days pregnant....and i have just felt the weirdest feelings! it's not butterflies because i've had them previously.. but this felt like more like a jabbing- no pain just jabbing in the same place for a couple of sec... on my right side near my hip- quit low down .i've had not had this before so

i was just wondering if it was my baby? :think:

i just saw your post and thought it could also be your uterus growing to accomodate your babes :D i think i got them a lot around 16-19 weeks

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