Return of nausea


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I can definitely say I feel as nauseous and queasy today as I did when I was about 11 -12 weeks pregnant.

I feel really nauseous (all since I sprayed some deodorant I used to use when i was in the first few weeks of pregnancy)

I thought these days where long gone :shock:
I'm really tired as well all of a sudden I just want to sleep.

I know others have found this too in 3rd Tri
my sickness has come back as well this wk and i feel alful. i feel like in first trimester again lets hope this passes soon for both of us. i am also very tired, do need to get some iron tablets not sure if that is related to sickness

marie x
aah no, hope you both feel better soon :hug: Can you have anything to help it ease off a bit? Like ginger and all that stuff thats supposed to help?

Ive been VERY lucky with sickness. Havent had hardly any, with this pregnancy or my last one. I did spew all over the show when i went into labour though, which wasnt very pleasent!
These days I'm feeling a bit nauseous too. Especially once I go to bed although I try to eat a lot earlier than bedtime... probably is just the baby taking a lot more room and squashing my stomach a bit...
I didn't expect to feel this rotten again. I feel really tired, dizzy and nauseous today.
I was feeling great yesterday and this morning, lunchtime though I was so sick. I'm going to try to eat something again now.

I really can't wait until little Dan man arrives...I've had this most of the 8 months now :(

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