return of morning sickness?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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Does it return in Tri3? ive heard it can do
I woke up this morning and felt the rise of the dreaded morning sickness
i recall it all to well and could tell what was to come

and YEP it did :x why??
I didnt mind it so much back then as it was a sign i was preggers but now i can cheeerfully live without it
I stopped having morning sickness in my 15TH week i've had the odd bount once in a while when i was on an early shift at work and i had to get up before it was light
Collier is most defenalty NOT an morning bunny (likes his lie in's like his Mammy :hug: ) not allowed to get up before 8 oclock he tells me :shakehead:

Anyway this happend when i woke up at just after 9 :?
Anyone else have this happen to them?
mine returned for a couple weeks into 3rd tri then went again... but then i got the dreaded SPD lool theres allways something :rotfl:

hugs for u :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Mine did, but ive heard from friends that theres sometimes returned temporaily and went again.

Lets hope yours doesnt last
I hope it doesn't come back - cant afford any more time off work if it gets bad again. Hope you feel better soon and it was just a bad day for you x
tots hope said:
I hope it doesn't come back - cant afford any more time off work if it gets bad again. Hope you feel better soon and it was just a bad day for you x

at least i can :D :D say that i did not have morning sickness
when i got up this morning hope it was just a one off :pray:
I feel sicky most of the time at the moment but only for the past week or so again.
It is funny you should say that, I was going to make a similar post. I have been feeling quite nauseous this past week. I have had a few gagging fits but no throwing up yet. How bizarre!
I've started to feel nauseous again more than anything.

This morning the smell of my shampoo and shower gel made me feel queasy and OH's deodorant makes me feel a little :puke: too.
oh god plz dont say we have 2 suffer sickness again :shock:

hope ur feelin better sarah xx
hope you feel better soon chicky! lots of girls have mentioned the sickness returning for a few days/weeks :( get plenty of rest and eat :)


I have had it, bakc to plain mashed potato and cheese on toast. seems to help x
Sorry to have to say it Sarah but mine came back around Week 28/29 and hasn't really gone since, and I know Bee is the same.

Every day I get up, and have to be lying down again by 11am because I feel so utterly sick and dizzy :cry: - it gets gradually better throughout the day though so at least it really is morning sickness this time rather than all-day sickness like I had in Tri 1!

You may just have a bug or something. I have my fingers crossed for you because sickness is SO NOT NICE :hug:
mine returned about 4weeks before i had amber, then 2 days before i had her i was really ill being sick and everything.
i hated it, i thought id getting rid of all the sickness :x
leighannex said:
mine returned about 4weeks before i had amber, then 2 days before i had her i was really ill being sick and everything.
i hated it, i thought id getting rid of all the sickness :x

IVE got all excited :D
I MISS home SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give it a big hug kiss from me :hug: :hug:

Ps Could you see if there still selling Newcastle united hats In the shops
i need a new one since SHREADER the mouse used my hat as it's main nest in my cheast of draws (LONG STORY :roll: ) :x NOT IMPRESSED BY THAT :shakehead:
Im going to buy Collier a Newcaslte United strip James isnt that keen but he can be quite :shakehead: :rotfl:


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