Restless legs!!! Go away!!!!


Active Member
Jul 23, 2007
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I got restless leg syndrome with my other 3 kids from about 7 months onwards- but this is my 4th child and I've had it from 5 and a half months!
It's driving me insane!!!
It only comes on at night time when I'm sitting still or lying- and my legs just feel like... well, like they wanna get up and walk!! Sort of a twitchy, irritable feeling.
Last niight I ended up smacking my legs hard in anger 'cos it was driving me potty!!

Does Anyone know any reliable cure for this???

Ive tried Googling it but itt says there is no 'safe' cure.
Thanx everyone
hi i have never suffered with this but have u ever tried refexology or acu puncture (spelling :oops: )
my friend suffers with leg problems and she swears by it
hope this has helped :hug:
I dont have any tips sorry, but im kind of glad u wrote about it, cos my friend is 27 weeks and having terrible leg cramps so at least i can tell her it does happen in pregnancy, hope ur feeling better soon hun :hug:
I have this as do three of my sisters and we have it even when not pregnant. It can be a genetic tendency, but 15% of pregnant women develop it.
I know for us vit B is recommended, but obviously being pregnant you can't take all vitamins so i'd ask your doctor. I get it mostly when I'm trying to relax, sitting with legs up or trying to sleep and its v v annoying :wall: so you have my sympathy.
I got it bad since the start but at 14 weeks I was told I was anemic and put on iron tablets, since I started taking the iron tablets I haven't had restless legs at all so I think it had something to do with being anemic.
awwwww... thanx for all your help girls /(guys??!!)
I'll try what you said, in fact it's just started to kick in now Grrrrrr!!
god i get this. its horrible when your trying to sleep and you just cant keep your legs still. your knackered but your legsarnt and have a mind of their own :(

know how you feel x
I had this awful when i was PG last time, I used to full a water botle with ice and water for bed on a night, it worked a treat during the night.........DH wasnt too impressed tho!!

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