Restless Leg Syndrome - Arghhhhhh!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Hi Girlies

I had this in my last pregnancy but nowhere near as bad, i had about 3 hours sleep last night due to irritating leg cramps :x and frequent trips to the loo (at least 15) im not sure whether this is because im measuring 5-6 weeks ahead and have poly-hydramnios??? I had a physio appointment this morning who gave me a really attractive support belt to help my back and she said the curve im my back is so bad that i musnt hoover, lift heavy things or walk for to far especially without the belt!!

I have my gestational diabetes test tomorrow which im not looking forward to, so cant have any food from 10 o'clock tonight but on the upside i have another scan on Thursday and seeing consultant and im going to ask him when i can be induced or have the baby??!!

I know im going on but feel like im really suffering, would love to go back to bed but have work at 1pm and im interviewing for my job so cant get out of it without really letting them down, im massive, my bump is low, my back kills and ive had enough!!!!!!

Sorry for the rant, is anyone else feeling like me or are you all really enjoying this tri???? x x x
Its so blimming annoying I know.
On top of restless legs I've been getting these wierd spasms all down the backs of my legs and bum.
You should see me when I'm out and get a attack of them .
:oops: :oops: :oops:
Lets just say I get some strange looks lol.
The only thing that seems to help with restless legs is to walk around.
I have also heard of putting cold ice packs on them.
Worth a try hun.

Hope all your tests go well hun.
Hope you manage to get it to ease up a little.

PS:Where in east sussex are you???
Sounds like you're having a terrible time :hug:

Good luck with your diabetes test tomorrow :hug: And I hope on Thursday you get a good idea of a date :hug:
OMG i have this and it is driving mad!!! So my heart completely goes out to you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I am averaging around 2 and a a half hours sleep a night because of restless leg and backpain and its not uncommon to see me on the landing at 4am doing leg stretches trying to wear my legs out!

I cannot wait for the end of the pregnancy just to get rid of this one thing!!

Hope yours eases up soon!


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