Rescue remedy


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Does anyone know if it's safe in pregnancy or not? I've tried to look it up and there's no specific right or wrong from what I can see.

I was thinking of putting some in my hospital bag for labour, because it is good stuff, I've had it before. Reduces anxiety and stress like a good un ;)

Any thoughts? xx
I'd use it as directed :) Maybe tell the midwife too.

I looked it up for ttc because i have some and i couldn't find any reason why not.

At worst it's a drop of alcohol and at best it can keep you sane and therefore baby less stressed.

I wouldn't start sucking down the whole bottle though hoping for maximum effect ;)
There's one made specifically for children, which doesn't contain any alcohol. I used that when I had to go on the aeroplane during this pregnancy (which I am pathetically afraid of).
I have heard that it is safe to use during pregnancy and know of people who have used it during labour. I am thinking of using it in labour myself as i suffer with anxiety and panic attacks - i am going to check with my midwife first though just to be sure.
Oh this is handy to know! I have relied on this stuff due to my panicky moments!xx
I think also it i9s just the alcohol to be careful of,but yes really helps with
Cool, thanks girls I might go into H&B and get some. I'm far from an anxious person but every little helps eh?? Last time I used any was when I was 17 and having my first tattoo done but I never forgot the effects ;) x
Someone told me about it and I used it after my MC. Will use it next time for giving birth too.
Giving birth is quite a thing to go through, yes so every little def helps. xxx
I used it on my wedding day! Would be a great idea if it's safe.....will try to remember to ask MW! xx
I used the normal spray when I flew home in March I was only 7 weeks pregnant and I didnt even think to check :( but everythings been ok for me xx
yeah its fine there is so little alcohol in it and its herbal so fine ive used it throughout the pregnancy mainly in tri 1 midwife said its fine to me
I've bought a tin of blackberry sweeties with rescue remedy in. Made by Bach who do the usual stuff so I can pop one as and when ;)

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