Reduced movement. 38 weeks. Low Fluid..


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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Hi there,

after discovering that I have really low amniotic fluid levels around my baby, and that my baby is quite small for dates. Ive been asked to keep a kick chart, am going in for weekly heart tracings and am having fortnightly scans.

However, over the past two days, I have noticed a distinct drop in baby activity. She IS still moving around, but not as noticeably or painfully ( i know this should be a good thing, but it makes me worry). Her movements are very slight and she isn't reacting to things that she used to, such as rubbing my cocoa butter on my bump, rubbing my bump etc.

Is this a reason to be concerned and should I contact my MW? Im due for another tracing on Wednesday morning, but don't wanna leave anything that could be a potential problem. What are everyones views on this?

thank you.

Angela and bump xx
Dont forget that the further along you get the less movements your LO will make. However, there is really no harm in contacting your MW if you are concerned and would recommend you do that.

try not to worry too much, get some medical advice and they might take you in today to do the trace early. Good Luck :hug:
mmmm...probably nothing but I would definatley get checked out...especially as they have asked you to keep a record of them hun...

Keep us updated :hug:
what the others said :)

yes the movements are meant to decrease (mine didn't seem to) but give your midwife a call if they've asked you to monitor them. x
I would give them a call hun. Some times babies slow down when there ready to put in an appearance or so I have been told.

Put your mind at rest hunny, give them a call they may ask you to go in to be monitored.
have phoned the maternity ward. Got my own midwife.

Shes told me to have my lunch then come up for a trace after 2 oclock.

Fingers crossed my bundle is happy but just resting and keeping quiet.

Will keep you updated.


Angela and bump xx
Let us know how you go. It's always better to check these things out hun.

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