Recent Ruby pics-Christmas

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Havent posted pics for ages, dont get on much but when I do I adore looking at pics of all the gorgeous PF kiddies :cheer:

Heres some from Christmas, Ruby is growing so much now-cant believe she is 2 in less then two weeks :shock: She is the most amazing little creature, I adore her so much, she takes my breath away every single day. I am so blessed....








With Olivia (my niece)


Awwww what a pretty little lady you have there :D I love the funny face she is pulling with the dolls :lol: I can't believe she is almost two, they grow up too fast don't they?! :shock:
Aw Zoe, she's just beautiful - her and Olivia look so gorgeous together as usual.

I'm not surprised you are so proud of her, she's amazing.

Hope you all have a lovely 2nd birthday - I remember reading here (well 3rd tri) 2 years ago when you were going a bit stir crazy at being so overdue!

Valentine Xxx
Awwwwww Zoe, Ruby is gorgeous!!! She has grown so much!!
Yaaaaaay Ruby photos - have missed seeing her. She is just such a fab little girl,always smiling and full of joy, and the one of her looking at herself in the mirror has made me all smiley. I love seeing her expressions. Not surprised you are such a proud mummy :hug:
I used to read the forum for ages before I finally signed up and started posting. I was reading this forum when you were pregnant with Ruby! Which is quite unbelieveable.

She is really gorgeous. The pic where she is holding the book is especially cute! :D
shes grown up so much zoe, an absolute poppet!! :D :D :D cant believe its been 2yrs!!!! :shock: :shock:
valentine said:
Aw Zoe, she's just beautiful - her and Olivia look so gorgeous together as usual.

I'm not surprised you are so proud of her, she's amazing.

Hope you all have a lovely 2nd birthday - I remember reading here (well 3rd tri) 2 years ago when you were going a bit stir crazy at being so overdue!

Valentine Xxx

Me too although I think I was mainly lurking then!
She is stunning Zoe she really is I always love seeing your pics they always make me smile :D
awwwww bless her shes adorable :hug: :hug: :hug:

Look at her gorgeous hair too, last time i saw her she had hardly any :) :hug: :hug:
Love, love, love The Rubster! She is just Sooooooooooooooo sweet!
The one with the dolls is priceless! xx

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