Reassurance scan


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2008
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Hi Girls

I am 4/3 so only just got the BFP !! I am so scared it will happen again!

Wanted to know if any of you had requested and got a reassurance scan and if so how did you get one?

Any help would be greatly received!


congratulations! I had a private scan last Thursday when I was 8 +5, it cost £90 and was pretty straightforward and easy to arrange. I was told by my GP and by the consultant in the hospital when I m/c in September that I wouldn't get a reassurance scan unless I had bleeding or pain and I haven't had either thankfully. A lot of my friends (and in fact the consultant) told me to lie and say I did just to get one but I couldn't do that for so many reasons so I went private instead. It has really really helped my piece of mind having seen a heartbeat, I know I'm not at 12 weeks yet but your chances of viability go up from 75% to 98% if they see a fetal heartbeat at 9 weeks, last two times I've lost around the 5-6 week mark. The weeks between finding out and now have gone SO slowly though and I realized that I hadn't believed that I was pregnant at all. It took about 8 hours to sink in but the £90 was worth every penny as I was starting to freak out as I approached the point at which I lost in September.

Lots of women do seem to be able to get reassurance scans on the NHS though, I think it depends on your PCT locally so it's worth asking.

Hope the first tri goes quickly and trouble free for you hun
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks so much for your post!

I have just come back from the doctors and unfortunately in my region unless i have had 3 mc or have bleeding and pain. So she has recommended a place and given me a recommendation to have one privately!! so at least i will have the reassurance - i dont care about paying - obviously i would rather not but i really dont think i would be able to go 12 weeks. I mc at 6/7 weeks so am going to plan the scan for 7 weeks !! so only 3 weeks to wait!! its going to be so hard to wait!! I know it will be the best money spent just hope i get to that far long !!

Thanks again good to hear your experience! its good to hear i am not the only one feeling the way i am.


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