really really bad pain (this could turn out long)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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well the other night me and hubby tried to have sex since i fell pg. and in my last pregnancy we couldnt do it as halfway threw my lower belly hurt really really loads worse then a d&c op. well it happened the other night again i was curled up in sooo much pain it was unbearable i then got light headed and felt like i was going to vomit.
it passed finaly after about 45 mins dint have any bleeding nothing the next day i felt fine but today i have a really really bad stabing pain near my left ovariey. do you think this is conected?
i am now terrified i will lose this baby or it will turn out the same as last time and end in a missed miscarrage
does anyone else get this pain during sex
told hubby no more sex till baby is here now
manda xx
With it being so bad(the pain) id see your doctor. always better to be safe. You may find that its nothing to do with the baby
hope you feel better soon :hug:
i cant get in till tomorrow as they are shut today :(
i did email a midwife off cow and gate but not heard anything back yet :( so thought id ask you guys as one of you might of had the same
manda xx
try ringing your docs as they should have an answer phone which should give u no to locum doctor who could refer u if needed to hospital to get checked over.

i had to ring my locum this morning too

hope all goes well

marie x
I'd definately try and get hold of someone for advice today just to be on the safe side. NHS direct will take calls 24 hours a day, bank holiday or not. I had a bit of spotting the first time I tried to have sex and some quite bad cramps so hopefully it's nothing to worry about :hug: :hug:
thats the problem i dont have a housefone and no credit on my mobile lol im not much use to myself sometimes am i hehe
pain has gone now just hoping its nothing will go see the nurse tomorrow as the dr on tomorrow is foreign and i cant understand a word he says :shock: and he dont understand me the local hospital is just up the road and the maternaty one just a 40 min walk away so can go to either if it comes back bad going out with ma mother in a bit for a walk
manda xx
aww thanks im sooo glad some-one else gets this was starting to think i was abonormal lol i will tell hubby it will clear up soon so we can have sex again bless him hes climbing the walls :D
manda xx
when you have sex particulary if you orgasm, a lot of blood can flow to your reproductive organs so its not surprising it might give you some kind of uncomfortable feeling. I've been ok though luckily :lol:
If she isn't bleeding, then there is a lot less to worry about.
I say it's normal. Talk to your doc, though.
if you are still worried, nhs direct have got a great website..............
I'm sure it will all be ok, pain doesn't neccessarily mean a miscarriage, neither does bleeding.

how are you feeling today manda?
feeling perfect today still no bleeding no twinges nothing just sore boobs and feel sick so im thinking it just was to do with the sex thanks everyone and brezee i am well prepered incase the worst does happen thanks
manda xx
I'm sure everything is just fine. Perhaps it would be better to not do anything with your hubby for a while, just til things settle down and baby is right at home :)
thanks yer hes on a sex ban hehe untill i feel up to it should be seeing the midwife at some point this week or weekend and have scan threw soon so he can wait till after that :D
manda xx

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