Salley, bless you, I totally want to come and give you a massive hug.
Honestly, I think you could both do with taking a step back from this for a month or two. Take babies off the cards and be reminded that you are both the sum of more than a potential baby. You are you, together because you love each other and trying for a baby can muddy that for a while.
Also, we can get so caught up in how it all is for us, it can be easy to forget the impact it can have on men when it's not working and they are just not usually as good at talking about it if they are feeling down about it all. When my OH is stressed about anything, dtd is the last thing on his mind and no amount of sexy undies or trying to arouse him will help so I don't even bother. I don't want him to pester me when I'm not in a good place for it and he never has, so I won't ask him to do anything he isn't up for or worry about it too much. I worry more that he's not in a good place and try to work on that.
So, my advice, honestly...take him out for a nice meal or cook something nice at home. Tell him straight off the mark that sex is off the table, you just want to spoil him for a night, go to bed and spoon until you fall asleep. Tell him he can talk to you about anything and you're in this together, so would he like to take a break for a month or two? Hopefully he'll open up a little but either way, just giving him the clarity that you have no expectations of the night might help him relax and give you both a chance to be close and rebuild that bond without the pressure of sex or babies.
Best of luck to you. I really hope you can both have a good chat about it all xxx