Reached the next mile..


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
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Woo hoo I have hit the big 30 (weeks) :dance: 3/4 of the way there and I can now count the weeks left on my fingers!
My next mile stones are...
In two weeks I leave work and have a scan 32 weeks
Christmas at 35 weeks.
Scan the week after 36 weeks.
Full term 37 weeks
Then the big DDay!!!
with a few midwife appointments in between!!
Hope that's enough to keep me busy and make it go fast! :dance:
Let the count down begin!!! X
Yay! Congrats! I'm following a week behind you :)
Yay! Ooh makes it sound so quick when you list your appointments etc! Think xmas will be good for us as thats the last couple of weeks before being full term, so should make it fly by! x
Congratulations hun :)
I think it's great when we have these milestones, it really keeps you 'patient'.
It also makes the weeks go really fast. The only time I think my pregnancy has ever dragged was when I was 5 weeks pregnant and had to wait until my 12 week scan to see baby, that was absolute torture!

I've just reached my full term milestone so now It's just a waiting game for me :D Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy xxx
Congrats - love your list does make it seem so much closer :)
Im due 28th jan so right near uur due date! Im enjoying being pregnant through x mas as it will go alot faster once new years here we'll be 36wks! Yippee cant wait x
Yay being in the 30's is such a great feeling!! Def not long to go xxx
Nice to see you have it all planned out there. :)
fx it will soon come around for you x
Thank you girls! Tri 2 really dragged for me, so set my self loads of little mile stones to hurry this tri up! X

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