RE: Buying a first car


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I know ive only just started my driving lessons but I thought it might be best to start saving now.
I was thinking a small car.

Which cars are the best and also it will need to be a decent price as not loaded.

Any tips ladies would be greatly appreciated.
I would go for something like a corsa, fiesta or Ka.... little engine so cheap on pertrol, tax and insurance. Parts are cheap if anything goes wrong with them and they are all pretty cheap little cars to buy in the first place.
Dont ask i aint bought one yet, gonig to wait until im near to passing my test. But im going to get something biggish like a mondeo, laguna. Need it for the kids and a new baby, thats if i have one on route by the time i pass!
Definately a Corsa. I had a gorgeous 5 door corsa which i bought when i was 16 ready for passing my test, plus OH taught me to drive in it between lessons.
Really cheap on fuel, tax and not too bad on insurance. Lasted me 4 years til money forced me to sell him! My pride and joy!

Also little Clio's aint too bad for all the reasons above!
mrs_tommo22 said:
Dont ask i aint bought one yet, gonig to wait until im near to passing my test. But im going to get something biggish like a mondeo, laguna. Need it for the kids and a new baby, thats if i have one on route by the time i pass!

Fingers crossed you will get a BFP before then,
Ive got everything crossed for you hun :hug: :hug:

Think im going to go look at what the girls have said and get a rough idea of what im looking to save ect.
Thanks ladies :hug:
have a look on auto trader and put in a set amount that ya wanna spend and see what you can get for your money.. will give you an idea of whats available for your money.
I had a Pug 106.. but that was 7 years ago now!! :? So anyone you bought would be older than the one I had...

Id go for a ford KA/Fiesta tbh, cheep parts, easy to fix if it goes wrong, basic, meaning its fixed fast. No frills so cheep. Tax reasonable, insurance about as good as you will get. Servicing will be cheeper due to parts being cheeper etc.

Or a corsa, again, reliable and cheep parts etc... avoid french :lol: although mine have done me well, the 106 was onyl 2 years old when I had it, and iv bought my last 3 Renault clio's brand new. Id hate to think how dreafull an old french car could be!
Definatly a corsa, thats what i had and it cost me nex to nothing to run and insure, and if anything goes wrong cheep to fix.

Good luck with the lessons.
My first car was an escort which i loved, also had a clio which was great fun. You don't need much above a 1.2 engine i would say for your first car, anything above that and the insurance gets a bit much.

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