randomest tea ever!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
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You know when you just have one of those days! I felt sick all day and didn't fancy anything so for tea I've ended up having a chicken tikka slice from greggs as my starter, a packet of Bacon wheat crunchies, a packet of wotsits, 2 dairylea sandwiches for my main, and a handful of kellogs crunchy nut cornflakes for pudding!! I feel so ashamed :oooo: there isn't a single nutrient in any of that lol!! Anyone else been a pig tonight??
I was quite well behaved tonight although sometimes I just really fancy something totally inappropriate! Don't think you need to feel guilty if it's just a now and again thing
Yep normally I'm quite good its just when I feel sick I have to eat what stays down! In other words cr*p lol!!!! Am having an Orange to try and stave off scurvy ;)
dairylea has calcium in it, it's not all void of nutrients!
Crunchy Nut Cornflakes will be fortified with vitamins too. Don't worry about it hun :)
I wouldn't worry too much. We all have days like that. My day yesterday consisted of a chicken, bacon and red onion sandwich followed by a flap jack and then a bowl of honey nut loops for my tea. That's all i ate..... I was wondering why my tummy woke me up this morning trying to eat itself!! :( xxxx
I ate a large bar of fruit and nut chocolate, felt bad after but damn it did taste good lol
I guess your right about the dairylea and cornflakes!! know what you mean princess I love cereal for my tea but the next day boy are you hungry its mental!!
not been much better today had a bowl of alpen and then a packet of haribo tangtastics (just hope my gtt test next week is negative lol!!) but I am having a healthy tea tonight.......perhaps followed by chocolate - thanks ChrissieCool!!
OH has just rang me asking if I fancy curry tonight. Mmmmmm He does looooooovely home made curry. My mouth is watering at just the thought xxxx
oooh bring me some leftovers!!!!! yum yum!! mine makes a mean shepherds pie but he'll only make it in the winter!!!

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