Random Quick Questionnn!

Well my OH has been a very happy man for around 2 weeks now :cheer: :cheer:
As for the porn thing he has always watched that, and he's never hidden the fact from me. In fact i remember the first time i went to the bedroom in his house there was a nice stack of 6 or more dvd's, he seen me looking at them and said 'oh that's just my porn' :rotfl:
He hasn't got any dvd's now said he don't really need them. But he does watch it on computer now and again and there are some short videos on his mobile :rotfl:
It never has bothered me and don't think it ever will. Them watching it really doesn't say anything about us :hug:

Oh and as for me it don't really turn me on :oops: I find it more funny than anything :rotfl:
My DH doesnt want to have sex with me :( , he finds it weird while Im pregnant, we do it occasionaly but rarely, and then he says to me that I dont fancy him. I dont mind too much this time because I dont want it either, I just worry about us though.
My husband is generally very sexual but he has been brilliant during my pregnancy (which has really surprised me).

We have been told not have sex just now because my placenta is low lying and it may cause bleeding and complications. And I must admit that because we can't have it I really want it! I'm feeling very frustrated just now. I won't know for another 4 weeks yet if I can have sex - can't wait !!!!
From my point of view, we decided to have a baby, and my husband was absolutely brilliant with the whole TTC stage, and more than happy to oblige even when he had been working non stop on renovating our property (working 14 hour days), not once did he ever say - "no Im tired" or "not tonight", even when he was totally exhausted!

So despite not having much of a sex drive why should I have refused my husband sex through the pregnancy! Yes sometimes I have felt tired or not in the mood, but I would always give in and have sex, because I know he would do the same for me (and has showed me he would do this). For the last couple of weeks I have been in so much discomfort that he hasnt even tried, as he knows the pain I am in!

As to porn, no hubby doesnt watch it, or not at home anyway :D , but I have no problem with porn, lap dancing clubs etc anyway - men are very visual creatures, and think differently to us (although some porn can be quite a turn on for women too)......Its something I have realised as I have gotten older - and there is no point in fighting it - men are the way they are!!!!!
I find the thought of men looking at porn on a pc really seedy, dunno why :think: it all seems so 'illegal' :oops:
Mama 2 Be said:
Our men want us otherwise they wouldn't be here and vice versa - nor would we be carrying their children if they wanted the blonde, big busted, tiny waisted sweedish twins who are not actually natural blondes and go by the name of Tracey and Sharon from Essex (not flamin Essex or girls from Essex just proving a point by using a stereotype :lol:)

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: sorry, that made me laugh.. the hairdresser's I go to is run by twins called Tracey and Sharon, and they're always telling me how, back in the day, they used to do 'glamour' photoshoots!

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