Rage issues


Mar 6, 2012
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Hi I need some advice if anyone has any for me. My lo is nearly 2 and she has tantrums like the best of them, which is fine I know that's normal but when she has them she either throws something if she can find something quick enough or she hits who ever is telling her off as hard as she can. She really means it when she does it and I don't know how to stop it. I don't want to smack her as I think she might think that's me telling her it's okay to hit. Anyone got any ideas?
You'd be giving her mixed messages if you were to smack her, you're telling her not to hit you by hitting (smacking) her!?

She's looking to see how you will react, I would firmly tell her no thank you or no that's not nice and sit her down away from you.
I dont smack her that's what I'm saying. I don't want to give her mixed messages I just want her to stop it haha
AJ used to to this when he was angry or frustrated. I would tell him a firm 'no' and something along the lines of 'its not nice and Mammy doesnt hit you' I'd then move him away and continue to do it if he did it again.
It does work but its the same as everything else you have to be consistent.

Good luck. x
Hey hon, this isn't advice from my experience but one of my sisters has something similar. She tells him no firmly and pops him in his playpen until he apologises. It mean they're safe but they can't throw anything or hit you x

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