Quinny Buzz

Magic Monkey

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I love my Buzz, but have found that in warm weather LO really sweats in it! She has loads of hair and when I take her out it is soaking wet. Has anyone else found this, and if so is there anything you can do about it? I was thinking of a buggysnuggle, but don't know if that would just make it worse?

Also does anyone else think that the sun canopy is next to useless? Does anything work to keep them in the shade? I am having to use my city mini jogger all the time at the mo, which is ok, but useless for any sort of off road walking!
I can't answer for sure about the buggy snuggle, but being a fleece liner I would have thought it would be cozy so quite sweaty now too.

For shade we have a maclaren parasol which is fantastic at shading but a parasol is so hard to use! Everytime you turn a corner you have to adjust the stupid thing! We have a solarveil monkey pocket which is supposed to keep the sun off of babies in a sling but works equally well on a pushchair. It is basically like a cozy toes and I have attached the top of it it to the hood of her pushchair (she has a maclaren, not a buzz though). It has lots of lovely UV protection but is a very light material so she can still see out (though not as clearly) and, most importantly, air can still get in. It's soooo much easier than the parasol!

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