Quick labours - subsequent pregnancies?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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I had a very quick labour with Amelia. Water's broke at 12:20am (no signs before hand), and she was born at 1:07am.

What I was wondering, is for others who had a similary quick labour, is it likely that any more babies that I decide to have will be as quick? And should I have my midwife friend who delivered Millie move in with me for the last few weeks lmao!! :rotfl:
Although i didnt have such a quick labour like you, i was told by the midwife that if i had any more children to be quick in coming to the hospital as i dilated rather quickly from 5 to 10 cms (think about less than an hour) so she thinks it will be much quicker next time :? :shock:
Mine wasn't as quick as yours. I went from waters breaking at 2am to suddenly wanting to push at 3.30am while still at home (pushed for hours at hospital though as she got a bit stuck). When midwie came for check ups after she said I should have called ambulance :shock: . She said with the next one to have a home birth or to go in straight away as 2nd babies usually come quicker than the first. Will go straight in at first little twinge next time.
yep each of my labours i dilated quickly, first one i was 3cm at 10am and fully dilated at 12. 2nd i was induced with waters broke and syntoncin dip and dilated in an hour. this time, well even quicker!!!
My older sister has has 3 kids. The first from waters breaking to birth was 9 minutes. The second was 4 minutes. The 3rd was labour all day, and 45minutes from waters breaking.

I hope it's not true. I was late getting to hospital as i wouldn't leave without feeding the animals first as i expected a long labour, and i was there less than 2 hours. A hell of a lot quicker than i thought.
my third was the quickest, 2 hours in total from first twinge till he was born, when m/w got to my house i was already fully dilated and she said she could delivery at home and i said no way, i held onto him (even though i had the urges to push at home, in the ambalance and in the corridoor) till i go into the room then my waters went and out came baby, no pushing required lol.
my 4th was 2 1/2 hours in total but probley would have been quicker i had to hide the pain from the children as i went into labour when i was by myself with the kids had to wait for OH to get home from work and my mum to come round, i was fully dilated when i got to the hospital with bulging membranes and 10 mins after getting there he was born.

im so scared this time that i won't get to the hospital in time or not relise im in labour because of the spd

so when you having your next then star?lol
I am scared of ever having another :talkhand: My first was 26 hours, my second was 1hr55 from very first twinge to back on ward, i went from 3-10cms in 20mins, then took 2 mins to push him out and 3 for the placenta!
both my labours were exactly the same in terms of total length. I have a long pre labour... (0 to 5cm in about 5/6 hours) then I have a rapid second phase (5 to 10cm in 1/2 hours) and a stupidly short pushing time (20 minutes both times). Neither girl was engaged until labour and I think it might have something to do with having big babies, that once they engage and press on my cervix, it just happens quickly. Dunno what my 3rd will be like... probably longer :lol:
Hannah was very long and very very sore... *shivers thingking about it) think i worked out it was somthing like '30' hours ESTABLISHED labour. :cry:

Emily on the other had was about 3-4 hours established labour... alot less sore. :dance:

Third...... :talkhand: :talkhand: :talkhand: :talkhand: dont want to find out thanks!! lmao
first labour was 28 hours, 2nd was 1 hour 31 minutes :shock: both with drip. I went from 4cm - 10cm in 8 minutes and took 2 pushes to get him out :lol:
hehe i'd love to be having lots like you sarah - but i really struggle with the hyperemesis. so we've said definitly no more until Millie is at school. So 5 years time we will look at a 4th.

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