
tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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Have posted this in first tri but just wondering if anyone can help me please.

Has anyone ever been on anti-depressents before they were pregnant and had to wean themselves off them? Or continued taking anti-depressents whilst they were pregnant. Also if they affected them in anyway if they took them whilst pregnant.

Sorry for all the questions just hope you can help me

Thanks :hug: :hug: x x
i was taking anti depressants when i fell pregnant with my first, i stopped taking them when i was about 6 months pregnant, but had to go back on them after having her because i had really bad post natle depression

then i stopped taking them when i fell with my other daughter because i felt so much better and i havnt been back on them since
i reckon when you feel is the right time to come off them just gradually wean yourself off them
im sorry i have no advice but just start when you feel ready hun, maybe talk to your doctor ?
i was on anti depresants when i was 14 till 17 then was off them for 2 and half years. When i became pregnant i got depressed but did not go on them and then when kaitlin was about 3 months old i became really down and was advised by my health visitor to go and see the doctor and now i am still on them, i felt like i had failed as i had been of them for such a long time i did not want to go back on them, it really depends on how bad u feel and dont ignore it xxxxx

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