question is anyone experiencing tihs.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2006
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Im not pregnant yet! or maybe? Im due on for af on 7th of march. Ive been spotting on and off since last week.
im feeling sick, been feeling really thirsty and it doesnt seem to go away.
And for some reason Im feeling like my brain's not working like it normal does (well I cant spell all of a sudden) and i don't seem to know the answers to questions on the dvd who wants to be a millionaire and normally im a pro!!

has anyone had anything like this happen to them and got a bfp
Hi Petal,

I had the spotting symptom (pinkish) off and on for about a week before my last period, following on from lots of white cm at the end of January. I was convinced last month (Jan) I must be pregnant, but AF came first of Feb, though was lighter than normal. I conceived - must've just been about a week or more into my cycle. Now I'm not sure whether I conceived in January (when I had the pinkish spotting followed by what I thought was a lighter AF) or very early Feb, but I've had BFPs since 24th Feb.

This has probably just confused you even more! I'm confused too.

One thing I will say though is that when I was TTC for over a year, I was more convinved that I had "symptoms" of pregnancy in all the other months when I hadn't conceived. Now that I am really pregnant, I've not had many symptoms at all.

Good luck. If it doesn't happen this month, I'm sure it will soon.

yep, I had sickness and a HUGE thirst with my first baby. I didn't have spotting but it's a good sign. Now you just need to wait until AF is due to see - don't you just hate waiting???


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