question for those who were overdue


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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When you were overdue how often did you seem the midwife? and how soon did you get a sweep or induction?

I don't see the midwife again till 41+5 which feels like years away! I last saw her at 38+5, so 3 weeks between appointments!

I've heard the placenta can start to deteriate after 40 weeks and I'm a bit worried about something going wrong!
I saw mine at 38wks, 39wks, 40wks then every 4 days until I had Arianna term + 13
I saw the MW on my due date, they did a sweep 40+5 and booked me for an induction 40+7, but i went into labour 40+6 and ended up having an emergency C section 40+8.
I saw midwife at 40+2, booked sweep for 41 weeks and had bub the day after.
I think I saw the midwife at 37 weeks and then didn't see anyone again until I had him at a week overdue (but it was over the christmas period and we were away). I had an appointment booked for T+9 when I was going to ask for a sweep but obviously didn't need it in the end.
I don't think it's fair that I don't even see anyone to discuss a sweep till T+12. There's been no mention of any monitoring before then.

I think if babys not here by the end of the week I'll phone up and try and get the midwife to see me sooner.
That's terrible that they leave so long between appointments for you towards the end. I saw my midwife every week after 36 weeks, and was given a sweep at 40+9 (after it being discussed the week before at 40+2), I had Ryan the following day, and had an induction booked for 40+12 had he not arrived himself.
I can't believe you have to wait so long - that's ridiculous :shock:

I'm not overdue yet but have seen middy at:

* 37 + 3
* 39 + 3

And am booked in for

* sweep 41 + 0
* induction 41 + 4
I saw my midwife at 40 weeks, then they booked me in to be induced at 41 weeks but I went into labour at 40+6 and had him on the day of my app lol!
I never had a sweep?
i was late with all my kiddies!
I had my last appointment on my due date, and was booked in for the next one for 41 weeks. He was born early hours of the morning on the day of the appointment. They hadn't even mentioned a sweep, apparently they don't even try until you're 10 days late here & don't book an induction until 14 days overdue.
I saw my MW at 40 weeks and then never saw her again while i was pregnant, i had harrison 11days overdue. My MW had me booked in at a date what would have made me 3 weeks overdue as she never knew id she was coming or
with Lydia:
I saw the midwife at 38 weeks
then had a home visit at almost 40 weeks
then went in to be induced at 42 weeks
Lydia was born at 42+4

with Alex:
I saw mine at 38 weeks
then 40 weeks
then I had a sweep at around 41 weeks (forget the exact date)
then went in to be induced at 42 weeks
Alex was born at 42+1
I seen the MW on my due date with Aimee and I was already booked in for an induction 11 days later so she never gave me another appointment.

With Nathan I seen the MW at around 38 weeks and I had an appointment booked at the hospital for 3 days over due to give my an induction date so I never got another MW appointment.

I thought it was terrible leaving someone that long right at the end of pregnancy. It wouldn't be hard to make them a quick appointment once a week just to do blood pressure.
I saw my midwife at 37 week, 39 weeks, 40 weeks then 41 weeks when I had a sweep then I had Jacob the following day, less than 24 hours after my sweep :cheer:

Good luck :hug:
I think I saw my midwife at 38, 40 weeks.

I had sweep at 40 + 6
I was induced at 40 + 9

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