Question for Mamas with babies over 3 months old...

Mrs. KM

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
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A lot of people keep telling me that once K reaches about three months old she will suddenly change and cry less and be much easier. Most of the people telling me this are my parents age, so I'm not sure if they are remembering right lol. Did your babies get easier around 3 months, or am I getting my hopes up haha?
My OH thinks so but I think he's always been good lol. Maybe it's a confidence thing as you're more used to baby and understand him

I agree with pinky think its that u know them by now !!! Rhea has just become hard work again as she can now rolled but doesn't like being on her tummy too long !! So time on the play may is no longer the quiet time for me it used to b !!!
Also by 3 mths u usually have a good routine going xxxx

I have to disagree! Kynon is harder than before 3 months, he hates sleep, moans when he's frustrated cos he can't crawl and seems to need my undivided attention now!
I guess they don't cry so much though as they can winge instead!
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Think they get easier in some ways and worse in others. I agree you are more confident with them and understand their ways more and they can interact and communicate. Downside to that is they get more frustrated when they can't do what they want to, like roll, crawl, reach the only toy they want etc. It's loads of fun though
I think if your baby had colic or problems with pooing etc, that tends to stop/get easier after 3 months. Some things are easier but as above Will can role now so most of our day is spent with him rolling over, then me putting him back lol x
I'd agree with that. Once Oz hit 3 or 4 months it was completely different. Feeding was established and everything was getting easier really xxx
Great, thanks girls! I am really hoping it gets easier with respect to her crying :)
They just seem to chill out a lot more and are happy to amuse themselves, well thats what Ive found with sophie xxx
I agree, they do seem to come into their own once they hit 3 months:) they are probably more used to us and the big bad world and we've learnt to read all their little signs and ways of "talking" to us to tell us what they need /want.
Chloe has always been an "easy" baby but she's a real joy at the moment... She's rolling, so i suppose she's enjoying being "mobile" and they can entertain themselves with toys etc now too, so you get a lot more "me" time while they're doing their thing!
I haven't read the rest of the posts here, so hope I'm not just repeating what everyone else has said.
I think it's important t enjoy this baby stage, it goes so quickly :(
My son wasnt happy until he could crawl he did get more settled around 3 months in some ways but really frustrated he couldnt crawl.

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Yes until they hit the 4 month sleep regression lol

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