Question for all appraoching the end of 2nd tri....


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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There seems to be a flood of us coming over from 1st tri into here in the last week so I thought I'd ask all you ladies who've been through most, if not all, of tri 2 what's the BEST and WORST thing you've found about tri 2???

Only asking because at the minute I think that the whole 'blooming' thing is a complete myth!! :rotfl: Despite all the rumours that I should start to feel better now I've reached the end of my 12 weeks I'm still getting some sickness and I'm still absolutely exhausted all the time :x

I thought some of you ladies full of 2nd tri wisdom should be able to share some of your highs and lows with us new 2nd tri'ers so we have an idea of what to expect over the next few weeks.......

I'm half way through here, so I can't claim to know it all. But it does get better. I felt terrible still until about 15 weeks, but recently I've grown loads, felt LO moving AND started to gain more energy. I've even been proactive about tidying stuff up around the house instead of rushing it all before someone comes over!
I'm in third tri so sneaking in here! :shhh:

2nd tri for me was the most exciting- I had my second scan, I still had enough energy (and small enough bump!) to do the things I wanted to and my morning sickness went! Plus you start to feel you baby feel and can start buying 'stuff' for bump without panicking you've left it too late!

It is the slowest trimester though so try and book some things to look forward to so you're not 'date watching'! Treat yourself to some new clothes, and have a nice haircut that's going to be easy to maintain once you have the baby here and only 5 minutes to sort it out in the mornings!

Good Luck with everything- will you be finding which team you're on?
inforabumpyride said:
will you be finding which team you're on?

No... we're staying team green :(

I would love to know but DH is insitant he wants a suprise and here they won't tell you unless both of you agree to finding out so the decision id out of my hands really!!
Well I'm only half way through too but the best thing is that I'm able to function again - I was such a zombie in tri 1 :D

I think the worst thing for me is the PGP/SPD which has been painful at times.

Chrissy I'm predicting girl for you :D I bet it'll be a nice surprise waiting until the end - I'm way too impatient for that though ;)
I've had a pretty shit second tri tbh. My 16 weeks bloods came back as high risk for downs so had an amnio which was all very scary and worrying (even though it only lasted a few days, seemed like weeks). Then I got a water infection, then thrush. I've piled on a stone and half during second tri. It dragged so much between weeks 16 - 22, but the past 5 weeks have flown by.

Some amazing things have happened too though. Like first kicks, finding out my baby doesn't have downs and that she's a girl, bumpage etc.

I can't wait to move over to tri 3, theres always somebody waiting to pop in there and I find it all sooo exciting.
I didn't start to feel better sickness wise til about 14/15 weeks so hang in there.....from 15 weeks onwards everything just started to happen and I felt like I was thrown head first into the world of being pregnant (in the nicest possible way!)

I started to show around 15 weeks, felt first kicks at 17 weeks, loved the scan, bought a travel system just after the scan, started putting weight on with a vengance at 22 weeks, now can feel lots of movement and see kicks poking out of my be honest I didn't enjoy the first 3 months, it was only when I started to look and feel pregnant and started to buy things that I really came to love it! You have all of this to come v soon :D
second trimester is the longest trimester
second trimester is good because you dont feel big and frumpy as in the third but you will have a bump. you ll also feel the baby's movement and get to have a scan!
Don't worry, it won't be long and you'll be feeling better and the long days of sickness and tiredness will be over. Well, perhaps the tiredness doesn't go away completely but you will start to feel better.

The best thing about second tri - waking up one morning and discovering that both food and sex are appealing again. The worst thing - uncomfortaable kicks in your lady bits.

Wishing you a happy and healthy second tri and enjoy your second scan - it's really special :D
I've still got a few weeks to go so I'm not really approaching the end... lol

Thought I'd reply anyway! It's gone SOOO quickly so far, hope the next 4 weeks go a bit slower because Tri3 for me is scary shizzle :shock:

There are sooo many great things you get to experience in 2nd tri;

- Movement
- Scan
- Bigger bump
- Shopping
- Dopplers

LOVE IT!! xx
I think the worst thing was expecting MS to dissapear straight away and it didnt.

Im still sick sometimes but the nausea has gone and i love 2nd tri. Heres my highlights:

- Reaching 12 weeks and knowing bubba was healthy
- Getting a bump literally overnight which started at about 13 weeks and now i have a proper one :)
- The hapiness vibe (1st tri isnt miserable but it was very hard seeing others lose bubs, be very ill from MS and having other nastys)
- Nausea and MS went and my appetite returned yah!!
Eatting proper meals woohoo!!
- Feeling bubby move and then knowing it deffo is a mini kick and still not believing it cause its so bloody amazing!!!
Thanks ladies.... I can't wait until I can feel the bean moving around. I've started getting a bump now so I'm starting to look the part.
Best parts: Bump appearing, first kicks, scan, finding out we were having a girl, being able to buy things, being able to buy girly thing :D Feeling better in general and a bit less tired!

Bad parts: It can drag a bit but I'm loving this pregnancy so far so I can't really say any of it has been bad!
Im not anywhere near the end of 2nd tri yet but my tiredness and morning sickness didn't start to go until around 15 weeks so felt really lied too :lol: but now feel loads better, most days have more energy and my bump is starting to grow which is cool!
The most exciting thing so far was getting first strong kicks and OH being able to feel them, but hoping scan next week will be another highlight! :cheer:
I've had it the other way round :think: I enjoyed tri 1 more than tri 2, but that's just cos of my own circumstances!

But hey here we go best part: gaining a bump, feeling baby kick and move, always wondering what he's doing in there!!! Finding out it's a BOY!!! hearing his heartbeat for the first time (I'm deaf so wanted to be able to hear it and I could!! :dance: )

worst parts - signed off sick due to my crazy commute and crazy job, back pain, tiredness!! heart burn.

Most importantly I hated the first part of tri 2 because I felt like I was in limbo, waiting for next MW appt, waiting for 20 week scan (which was at 23 weeks :wall: :wall: ) waitinng for bump, waiting for kicks and movementsI hated that limbo feeling but now everything's happening and I'm nearly double figures and tri 3 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Well I think the work "blooming" is over rated to be honest. I've never felt lovely in pregnacy, I mean the first few weeks/months is sickness and tiredness and whatever else and then that subsides but then you start walking round like a duck and sleeping becomes horrible at night cause you either can't get comfortable or baby is kicking ten bells of you know what out of you ect ect. I think every stage of pregnancy has it's downfalls and of course when you near the end of trim 2 you start panicing about labour and how much it's going to hurt ect and what could go wrong blah blah.

sry thats probably not what u wanted :rotfl:
Hmm... Well I do feel much better and everything feels much more real. I get kicks all of the time and feel so happy about it. I can eat anything I want now and I can walk for up to about five miles every day. (I used to do much more but this is a big improvement upon how I was in the beginning.)

Second trimester has FLOWN by, despite a lot of it being in the winter.

The worst things? Well I don't think they are completely related to being in second trimester but because everything is more real feeling, I have been getting scared sometimes. My situation is good now compared to a lot of people, but not at all ideal. I'm worrying about finances and other practicalities. I had a hard time adjusting at first to big changes such as colostrum leakages, which I (shockingly for myself) felt embarrassed by. I guess I have been more sensitive, which can be a challenge. That's it though. Everything else has been wonderful!

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