Question about rings


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Does anyone know why I've been able to wear my (platinum) wedding ring for 3 yrs and engagement ring for a little longer and be fine, yet all of a sudden they're really irritating my finger? Any solutions or ideas why this happens? I cleaned my engagement ring a little while back and there's nothing under my wedding ring, it's a plain band.
Thanks xx
Sorry havent a clue, had a similar thing happen with my tongue bar though. No problems for years and then all of a sudden it irritated me for no apparent reason so it had to come out :?
No idea but it happened to me and I just took it off for a few days and it was ok again,
if it doesnt get better and no one has any better solutions, you could coat with a layer of clear nail varnish underneath to see if that works
id be interested to know solutions too as i cant wear my wedding band anymore as it irritates me so bad i put it on the other day for about 5 mins i had to take it off again i just wear my engagement ring and my enternity ring.
i've had the same problem with my silver links of london bracelet, it brought my wrist out in a rash and then i wore it a couple more times to make sure it was that and everytime it irritated my wrist more :( the marks are just fading now :(

i'm so gutted bc i love that bracelet :(
maybe some kind of corrosion / oxidization?
Event best quality gold / silver can be corroded maybe they came in contact with a substance that caused some line of reaction in the metal and that's what is causing the skin irritation?
Just a guess, other than that, your skin will change throughout your life and maybe it has developed a sensitivity? Albeit a bloody awkward one!
I read that people buy platinum because it's low allergy metal so it's weird that it would affect me when I'm about the worlds least allergic type of person!!
Have you been on steroids (not the body buliding genital shrinking spot making mauscle growing ones!) for anything luv?

When I'm on prednisilone my 18ct gold or platinum rings turn my fingers a cheapo piece of crap from the market!

Also, are you drying your hands really carefully everytime you get them wet? Under the rings as well? My pal just started hairdressing again after a 10 year break and her rings are causing her skin underneath to be sore and chapped because her hands are in and out of water all day!
LaineyG said:
Have you been on steroids (not the body buliding genital shrinking spot making mauscle growing ones!) for anything luv?

LaineyG said:
Have you been on steroids (not the body buliding genital shrinking spot making mauscle growing ones!) for anything luv?

When I'm on prednisilone my 18ct gold or platinum rings turn my fingers a cheapo piece of crap from the market!

omg i am!! i'm using hydrocortisone cream!! do you think that's why my wrist keeps breaking out when i wear my bracelet :?

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