Putting on weight!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2006
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I was wondering roughly how much weight we should of put on by now? I am 2 pounds lighter than before I was pregnant but look massive :? . What's that all about,how about you girls? !!
ive put on a stone and a half already. But i put most of my weight on in the forst trimester and very little the rest of the pregnancy. i usually put on 2 and half stone. But i lose it after the birth always. Im good like that. :D don't ilke to let myself go!
Sore issue!!! I think i have put on about 2 stone already and i look huge!! Everyone has commented today about how big i am. Really not impressed I feel huge and look terrible. Knowing me i have put on more than 2 stone but wont get on the scale since the last time i did it well upset me.
Maybe I am doing it the other way round then, I will probably gain 3 stone in the next 20 weeks :cry: . I usually gain about 2 stone in pregnancy,but have never weighed myself during my pregnancies so not sure when it creeps on :D xx
every one is different and every pregnancy is diffeent too. thats what you have to remember . i never worry how much weight i put on becasue i think pregnancy is so short and stressful enough.
enojy your pregnancy and worry about the pounds after. Thats what i do. :)
" - 3 stone weight gain is about right i think anyway.
with my second i gained 4 stone :shock: and i still lost it.
i have also lost weight during pregnancy, almost a stone and i am 14 weeks pregnant. but i do have a bump showing!!!
i can't stop throwing up, and i have hardly eaten a thing for weeks. i am taking sanatogen pro natal, to make sure i am getting vitamins etc, but i think i may have to take a trip to my GP this week as i feel so drained all the time. with 3 kids already, it's hard to find time to put my feet up and relax!!!
usually in my pregnacies i gain about 2 stone, but i went from 12 stone to 15 and a half stone with my son!!!! :!:
I have decided not to weigh myself but so far I think I'm ok! I have grown an inch in my hips and half an inch on each thigh though all the rest is tummy and boobs, I can live with it at the mo'. I can still wear all my regular jeans and trousrs with a belly belt. I though being quite curvascous I would pile it on but so far so good :D

I have read that as long as you are sensible overall you can't control how much weight goes on because some is water, extra blood etc. I guess we won't really know how much is excess fat until after the birth!

Budge, it is very reassuring to hear your advice! I am determined to lose the excess too because I would be miserable otherwise :)
I seem to be putting loads on now. :( In the past couple of weeks, I've about put half a stone on!!!!!! I've gained 1st 7lbs in all. But feel enormous!!!!
I have put on about 2 stone and a couple of pounds, I put on about 2 stone in the first to middle of second trimester. My weight gain has slowed down now. Its just my belly that seems to be getting bigger now and looks like I have swallowed a football!!!

nikki1306 said:
I was wondering roughly how much weight we should of put on by now? I am 2 pounds lighter than before I was pregnant but look massive :? . What's that all about,how about you girls? !!

the same thing has happened to me!
im not sure what im having untill the 26th june i will let you know :D
I have put on about 1 stone and I am 18 weeks 4 days pregnant. I think I have put on a bit much and I feel like I look awful. I went a bit mad with eating at first but I am trying to make sure I eat healthier now so that I don't put on too much more.
im not sure what i am having but its more than likely a girl yes.

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