puree question


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
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well i made up some puree and have frozen them so they are ready for willow

but my question is are they ment to taste so bland and watery.

i have potato, carrot, parsnip and brocolli and potato, it said to add water to get it to a runny yoghurt like consitsaty (sp) but urgh its horrible.
yep, bland and horrible sounds about right!

carrots usually go down well because they have some sweetness to them. I tried to give Sam pumpkin the other day and he refused it. It was foul though!!
Yes it doesn't look very appetising (sp?) does it?

With the very watery veg like carrot, swede and cauliflower etc, I tend not to add water anymore as it purees very watery anyway!
I think it tastes horrible but Nathan loves it :D Hes not keen on strong tastes. I don't add water to the veg either except maybe swede.
Try sweet potato, parsnip and carrot. I only add a tiny amout of water to it so it doesn't go too runny and Jake loves it. You could add milk or low salt gravy to purees instead of water so that they taste better.
It's all about trying new tastes and textures at the beginning and although it probably seems bland and watery to us, to our lil bubs it is a whole lot different to the milk they are used to, so it's all about slowing and gradually introducing them to new tastes. Good luck with the weaning :D :hug:
i actually like the taste of lukes purees am i sad!

i tend to mix really bland ones like broccoli and courgette with the more nicer flavours like carrot sweet potato or butternut squash.

if it looks too watery i thicken it up with baby rice.

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