Pulling feeling behind my tummy button


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
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What is it please? Is it baby swinging off the placenta or is it something else? It's quite painful when it happens, but it goes off, and it seems to high to be a BH. Any suggestions very welcome :hug:
To e honest I have no idea what it is, just stuff moving around. Its perfectly normal though I had this last time, and its a really squemish pain, making me wriggle now thinking about it!

Nothing to worry about :)
Its nothing to worry about hun, baby is just wiggling around in there alot.
Mine makes a popping noise from time to time, its a bit worrying ...but unfortunately just everyday normal pregnancy aches and pains.

Not long left and you'll have forgotten all about it :cheer:
Awwwwwww thanks both of you! Its gone off a bit now, but I have a definite cystitis like thing going now - I had my 24 week check-up on Monday, and it showed some protein, so I need to give another sample on Monday so they can check for bacteria *sigh* Still I can feel baby moving around if if I do need to pee ALL the time lol. Thanks again xxxxx
Try drinkin loads of cranberry juice hun, its great for UTIs and preventin them too.
Thank you! Its actually turned out really good that I had the pulling feeling, it meant I'd already spoken to the dr today and found out I was having problems with my waterworks. Felt really awful this evening, cold and shakey, high temp., permanently full bladder and burning wee - the works. Was so worried about my baby! I phoned the emergency gp, and had to go the local hospital (yay for the royal berks who did Cassi so proud as well). I saw a lovely dr, who has given me some anti-biotics and who wasn't phased by me tearfully asking her to check my baby was ok. She did and we got to hear it's lovely little heartbeat (190 bpm!), so I'm totally relieved that baby is ok. It's totally not like being poorly before pregnancy - now I'm so wanting to provide a safe environment for little one to thrive in, I cant take any risks. And the pregnnacy hormones make me so tearful - I was sobbing when I asked the dr to check the heartbeat, and sobbing with relief when she found it. Please say someone else is as weepy as me :pray: So good to have had baby checked out as well. I reckon baby was yanking on the chord to let me know I needed to get myself checked out :wink: Clever baby!

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