

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Hiya everyone
Really hoping someone can give me some much needed advice? My eldest daughter is almost 8 (next month), she is fairly tall and quite curvy for her age, recently I have been thinking that she may already be going through puberty does that sound crazy? She has really irrational mood swings and exaggerated responses to things, cries at the drop of a hat. The other week she was really poorly and I bathed her (she normally baths herself) and I noticed that she had already started to get a little bit of dark hair (down below). Then for the past two days she has come home from school and got changed and her school dress smells a bit of BO :(
I have two questions, is this normal? she is my eldest and I havnt done this before, and do you think I should get her to start using deoderant? She baths regularly and wears clean uniform daily.
She seems so young for all this I was hoping we were years away :cry:
I have a daughter who is 8 in July and I'm going through the same with her. She gets really greasy hair and started smelling of BO about a year ago. She has always been big for her age and her dad said he went through puberty really early so I don't know what to expect. I haven't noticed any hair yet but the way things are going I don't know. She is also getting so moody and always shouting and has mentioned to me a few times boys she 'fancies' of the tele :shock: I have bought her roll on deodorant but I haven't even had a chat to her about periods ect yet so I'm hoping that's a few years away :pray:
my neice is 10 and she started her periods last week she is a very well developed girl
Aww bless her, maybe its time for the talk as i know when i was younger my mum thought my periods would have been coming later on but actually they happened quite early on for me which caused me lots and lots of upset as i didn't have a blummin clue what to do or who to tell.
:wall: :wall: :wall: seems the right age.... Tia does this... just starts crying for no reason...and when you ask her... what you crying for hunny? She'll just cry more...and say... "I dunno...I just am!" :cry:

Tia is the same height as an average 10 year old, so physically very well developed.

and my worst nightmare is coming true... her breasts are developing, but only one... the other one isn't doing anything which is what we feared. I knew it would be underdeveloped.... but while they are kids you can forget about it... now its becoming obvious... :(

as for the talk.... that was covered yonks ago...but we might have to do a refresher course...
Squiglet said:
:wall: :wall: :wall: seems the right age.... Tia does this... just starts crying for no reason...and when you ask her... what you crying for hunny? She'll just cry more...and say... "I dunno...I just am!" :cry:

Tia is the same height as an average 10 year old, so physically very well developed.

and my worst nightmare is coming true... her breasts are developing, but only one... the other one isn't doing anything which is what we feared. I knew it would be underdeveloped.... but while they are kids you can forget about it... now its becoming obvious... :(

as for the talk.... that was covered yonks ago...but we might have to do a refresher course...
Poor Tia how come you knew that would happen? It's awful when they cry and you dont know why :(
They just seem so young, suppose she isnt my little baby anymore :(
EllieG said:
Poor Tia how come you knew that would happen? It's awful when they cry and you dont know why :(
They just seem so young, suppose she isnt my little baby anymore :(

Tia was born with Poland syndrome wiki here with a photographic example and medical info here.

Tia will definitely need surgery in the future and well puberty was never going to be the easiest time... :wall: :wall: :wall: I just wanted a few more years of my innocent little girl... :(
Bless her.... I've never heard of polands syndrome before so thanks for the link. Such a tough time and I echo what you said about just wantin them to stay innocent. You are very good having already had the talk with her. I have never had a formal chat with Beth although she is perfectly aware where babies come from and have never lied to her if she has asked questions. Have been looking on amazon at some books, they are so much better than when I was that age, I used to have The Body Book!
Thanks girls or all your advice, and good luck squiglet to you and Tia, :hug: :hug:
Hia :wave:

My best friend started her periods when she was only 8 poor thing :( Children grow up at different rates which is totally normal. I was an early developer too (I havent got any taller since I was 11!!! :roll: I went from being the tallest girl in the class to the shortest! :wall: ) I dont think my mum was prepared to let me grow up and I went far too long without having a bra or using deodrant :( :oops: I wish she had had 'the talk' with me earlier and given me what i needed....I knew I needed it, I was just to scared to ask :(

I think what I am trying to say is that when you do talk to her about growing up, you will probably find that she takes it in her stride and it is you who feels awkward! :rotfl: Try and enjoy the closeness that her growing up will bring (she will soon be borrowing your razors, makeup & shoes!)
well 8 seems a bit early to me. But each child is different.
I have a 9 and 10 year old and neither of them are as you describe. My 10 year old has just developed little buds but thats it.
If i were you id take her to the doctor and check it out. It seems a bit early.
Don't worry, this all sounds fine.

My sister was a early developer and got her period when she was only 9 whereas I was the late one and got mine when I was 14! Every child is different so there's no need to panic, she's just growing up :)
although it seems early girls are experiencing puberty a lot earlier these days,
my best friend at school was like this she had pubic hair and breast buds from 8 and by 10 had started her periods
and was very womanly looking i felt sorry for her as she was so early all the other girls were jealous of her boobs and
for some unknown reason of her having her period- she was an outsider untill others caught up.
Also my youngest cousin was the same she got her period at 10..i feel sorry for these young girls because
they don't get to enjoy the last part of childhood..they have hormones flowing all over the place and moodswings they cannot control etc.. maybe just have a good long chat with your DD and explain that now her body is changing she should take care
of herself and maybe get her a roll on deodrant, it must be hard for you as i'm sure you feel its too soon and she should still be running round being a kid- if it was me i would be freaking out to be fair!!
My eldest daughter is 11 and has been going through this for about the last 2 and a bit years, we have all the other signs but no periods as yet.

The moods are unbearable. She has had a roll-on to keep in her bag whenever she has needed it and a pad, just in case.
A friend of the family's daughter started her periods at 8 poor girl!
My neice aged 10 started hers and her sister has had little boob buds since 8 too! I was shocked as I was 12 when I started my periods so I presumed everyone did!?
Each girl is different! Charlotte isnt the only girl who had started her periods at 10 in her school! But then my cousin who is 12 hasnt and doesnt look no where near ready too!
Thanks for your replies girls, I didnt realise there had been more! Well, I origionally posted Beth hadnt turned 8 but she is now 8 and 2 months and things are continuing. I have started to talk to her about stuff, I have tried not to make an issue, but a girl at school the other day told her that her 'boobs were big', it upset her so I said to tell her next time that she would be jelous one day!!! (She is by no means fat). I have orderd a book from amazon called puberty girl, I just wanted one that talked about body changes as I don't think she needs to know everything right now. Her moods are the same and her skin has become a little spotty in areas so we have been talking about drinking water and getting her 5 a day etc. Seems this may be the start of things, we do all develop at different rates, my other daughter is only 18 months younger and I really think its all a long way off for her yet.
So all mummies of little girls, enjoy them.... they grow up way too fast :(
(Unfortunately for them) Little girls are developing quite early these days. I taught a little girl who started her periods in year 4, although the majority didn't start until year 7 or later. I know that we do sex ed in year 6 (Im a teacher) which isn't as horrendous as it sounds. We talk mainly about puberty, periods/hygiene etc. and touch upon baby making and so on. Could you get her a book...something like Hair in Funny Places by Babette Cole. I haven't read this one but I do know Mummy Laid an Egg which is about pregnancy. Very kiddy friendly.
Aw hun, defo do the talk with her. My mum didnt with me and when I started my periods at 12, altho I knew what they were,it would have been nice to have told her i'd started rather than being to embarrassed and letting her find out from my soiled knickers :(

I was also the last one in our group to get a bra as well!

Maybe take her girlie shopping and buy her some new undies and some pads for her draw and a couple in her bag and buy some nice smelly deodrant and like an impulse spray thingy xxx

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