Proud Mummy :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Yay, Zac has just crawled for the first time! He has been trying so hard for ages! He also learned to sit up from lying down by himself this week, yay! Xxx
Yay well done zac clever boy! its lovely when they do new things isn't it? x
Yes I get so exited! I also think it's great how the struggle for so long to do something and then when they do it once there is no stopping them x
Hooray!! A big week for Zac! Cahal is still at the stage where is just lies on his tummy screeching and flapping his arms and legs lol!
Well done zac!!!! :)

How old is he now Zazu?? X

Well done zac!!!! :)

How old is he now Zazu?? X

He is 8 months and 2 days, I've been convinced he is going to do it for months now, he's been teasing me! X
Hooray!! A big week for Zac! Cahal is still at the stage where is just lies on his tummy screeching and flapping his arms and legs lol!

Zac did this for ages, It was so funny to watch x
Thanks ladies, I am feeling very proud x
Awe wow cool well done :D
Im hoping Tristan will start crawling soon although hes had a few bumps on the floor with his head but he getting the hang of it but when i put him on his tummy its like he's doing spins one minute hes one way an i cud quickly do something an hes round the other way :L lol.
I have the fun of him spewing on me carpet at mo so i put towel down :).
Hes 9 months old now cant wait till he starts gettin used to his arms and be more strong to hold them up he pulls things at the mo but he just wont use his arms to even pull his bum up lol. Strange boy i have lol x
Aww that's great, magical moment!! Clever boy! My LO is finally laying on his tummy lifting head and chest and I'm so proud of that so when he's crawling I'll be fit to burst x
Awe wow cool well done :D
Im hoping Tristan will start crawling soon although hes had a few bumps on the floor with his head but he getting the hang of it but when i put him on his tummy its like he's doing spins one minute hes one way an i cud quickly do something an hes round the other way :L lol.
I have the fun of him spewing on me carpet at mo so i put towel down :).
Hes 9 months old now cant wait till he starts gettin used to his arms and be more strong to hold them up he pulls things at the mo but he just wont use his arms to even pull his bum up lol. Strange boy i have lol x

Bless him, babies do some funny things! X
Is he moving non stop now Zazu?? I can't wait for Emily to start crawling, but at the same time, it's gonna be HARD work!!

He is still getting the hang of it, but has just this minute crawled to the DVD player and started bashing it, I moved him away and he went straight back to it, little monkey! Let the games begin ... Ha ha x
He is still getting the hang of it, but has just this minute crawled to the DVD player and started bashing it, I moved him away and he went straight back to it, little monkey! Let the games begin ... Ha ha x

Love it :)


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