Prem labour... What are my chances??


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Hiya thought I'd better get some proper info on this.. I have a thread in tri3 if one of u wouldn't mind skimming thru it and letting me know what u think? Short version...
Thurs I had bad pains that felt like uti... Went doc, +4 blood in urine..
Sent to hosp to be monitored, +3 blood +1 protien and two others I can't remember lol
Baby's movements nil so had to walk and eat for two hrs and come back.. No movement so was admitted
Been monitored alot had two scans fri one bedside as they couldn't get baby to move by proper squeezing it n stuff :( had to stay in again..
had a little blood in wiping at about 11pm last night and since then had strong bh going right round my back...
Monitored this morning and regular stronger contractions and they're sending a doc to assess me... Saw on graph she wrote 'threatened PTL' I don't know but I think it may mean PreTermLabour... The green numbers were on 25 when I was first admitted and now they go up to 53.. Been having constant bh for the whole time I've been here but since last night they've been stronger than usual...
I think that's everything lol!!
So what do you think the chances are??
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I would have thought they would have started you on steriod injecs for babes lungs if they were that worried you were going in to PTL. My son was born at 34 weeks and is a healthy happy 13 year old so all is not lost hun. Hope everything goes ok for you. I know how scary that is. xxxxxx
Thank you :) does it sound like it's gonna happen or just the urine probs? Worried about movements too was up all night trying to google causes for it.. I know google is evil but I'm not getting any kind of answers!! It's so frustrating!!! :cry:

Still waiting to be assessed by doc.. Still having strong tightenings with pain and pressure
I was admitted at 34 weeks pregnant with my first daughter, I was having very regular contractions and they were convinced I would have her that evening some time. I decided that if this was the real deal I wanted to go home to relax. The doctor said he thought something had irritated my uterus and could be a false alarm but I discharged myself as baby seemed fine after checks and went home to see how things progressed. The contractions were painful but bareable.

I had to ring labour ward to check in and they thought I would most def be back later on. Things stayed the same for two days and then it all just stopped! I ended up going 8 days overdue in the end! They had discussed steroid injections with me but didn't want to do anything straight away, so they had prepared me by saying if things progressed any further they would go ahead with this. At 34 weeks they didn't seem too concerned baby was potentially coming though.

Hopefully its just little one practicing and the infection you have is irritating your uterus causing it to contract. This usually makes the baby a little quiet too at times. Good luck honey, hang in there a little longer little one! x
Thanks hun that's very reassuring! Just been monitored and contractions still there but weaker.. :) just testing my urine again :)
She said if it keeps on they will send me upstairs (delivery) and she seemed ok with that!
At least they are getting you prepared. My mum had steriod injections from 21 weeks because she was threatened early labour. Its better for the baby if they do just to make sure those lungs are strong. Fx for you hun. xxx
Thanks :) yeah it's defo better to be safe... She said it may make me very awake lol... And I need another at 3am... Hurt like a bitch lmao!!! My butt is so sore!
Also I noticed on my 7am graph... 1-2/5 engaged... A couple of us are trying to figure it out... Is it 1-2 left to go in pelvis... Or 1-2 IN pelvis??

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