Pregnancy Yoga?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2007
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There are yoga for pregnancy classes at my local community centre which runs in blocks of 6 weeks (6 sessions) for £36. Has anyone been, and benefitted? I have anxiety disorder and people around me have said the breathing techniques etc would help me a lot. I just need to work up the courage to go :lol: I can only afford to do one block, so I'm not sure when to start, right now or wait a few weeks so I'm further on when the sessions finish I might remember more :?

thanks in advance for any replies :hug:
I reckon you should go sooner rather than later, then when you're massive you can just practice what you've learnt in the comfort of your own home!
I'd love to hve done some, but couldn't find the classes at the right times. Let us know how it goes!
I agree that sooner rather than later for the yoga would be best.

I was going to start classes at about 30 weeks but had really bad SPD when the time came so missed out. :(

I'm sure they will be beneficial to you and the breathing techniques are great to use outside class as well.
I enquired and was told I could start once I reached 16 weeks. I didn't end up going but those who have really do rave about it and seem to think that they were beneficial and afterwards they do postnatal you can take LO along to also. I do now wish I had gone but clearly 37 weeks isn't the time to be starting yoga classes!!
Definitely you sohuld go. My yoga teacher moved to Scotland when i was about 30 weeks pregnant and I miss it so much I would kill for a pregnancy yoga class near me.
I actually bought a Yoga in Pregnancy book but never even looked at it :lol: I think Yoga would be great for both relaxing and breathing Jamie, and certainly if you have anxiety then it would benefit you no end. There's many ways to relax, I think if you can find one to suit you, then incorporate some practise birth breathing into it, and you'll be well prepared, very best wishes :hug:

Yoga was by far the best thing I did during pregnancy. I can't tell you how helpful the breathing techniques were. Kept me totally in cotrol even when things went wrong. Breathing was also the best pain relief too..

Go sooner and practice at home. Good luck :hug: :hug:
Hi Jamie

Sorry I'm coming in to this a bit late, but I'm just back from India (studying Yoga of course). I teach prenatal Yoga and have seen again and again the benefits of these classes in pregnancy.

One of my students, a ward sister in the local hospital who came to me with serious anxiety issues due to 3 miscarriages, went so far as to say that she couldn't see how anyone could do it without the Yoga practices (her husband then pointed out, "Well you do know how they do it, you heard the girl screaming in the next room"). It only took me one class to turn her around on the anxiety front, she enjoyed her full-term pregnancy and now has a beautiful, healthy baby boy.

As far as when to do it, I think the general consensus in here is absolutely correct - sooner rather than later. The practices must be PRACTICED to be of any use to you. Explain your situation to the teacher in advance, that you can only afford one block - it may be a bit embarrassing but it may benefit oyu on two fronts. First, that teacher should then make sure that during your 6-week block s/he covers everything you need to know. Second, you may find (since most of us do this from a desire ot help, not for money alone) that the teacher may be able to help you further - perhaps chargin you less, or teaching you privately whenver s/he has free time.

Hope that's of some help,

Thanks Scott :hug:
I've been in touch with the lady who runs it, the classes stopped over the summer but they begin again in early September. She says that she realises I'll be around 35 weeks by then but that it's never too late to start :) She also does postnatal yoga classes where you take baby which might be good also :dance: and she does do one on one private lessons to cover breathing and stretches but its £25 an hour :think:

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